Somaliland: Hajj season livestock head to Saudi


Thousands of sheep and goats are currently being exported to Saudi Arabia from the port of Berbera in the self-declared Republic of Somaliland.

The BBC’s Ahmed Said Egeh snapped some of them in the holding pens at the port:

Goats and sheep in Berbera, Somaliland

Our reporter says one million head of livestock have already been shipped to Jeddah and another 500,000 will be exported next week.

They are all tested by vets to make sure they are disease-free before they are loaded on to ships:

People with injections in Berbera, Somaliland

The Muslim Hajj pilgrimage starts next week and afterwards Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adha.

The festival means “feast of sacrifice” and marks God’s gift of a ram as a substitute for Abraham’s sacrifice of his son.

During Eid, Muslims buy a ram to sacrifice and share the meat with those less fortunate than themselves.

Goats in Berbera port, Somaliland



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