A Somali community leader in South Africa has been accused of hate-speech.


“General Phil Sheridan may have been right when he said: the only good Indians are the dead Indians” Al – Haji Dr. Field Marshall Idd Amin Dada(Rahmatullah Alayhi) expulsion of Indians is justifiable, but my recent visit in the Bombay of South Africa (Durban) completely changed my general feelings of Indians, for the first time I believe the only dead ones are the 8th Avenuephopic or Neighbourphopic Indians in Mayfair and it’s surroundings, but out there, there are Millions of Good, caring, loving and humane Indians,” Amir Sheikh posted on Facebook.

According to the Daily Vox, Sheikh’s comment has been proclaimed ‘hate speech’.

Sheikh says he stands by his comments and is willing to defend them before the SAHRC.

Following xenophobic violence in South Africa, some Somalis in Mayfair have reported some xenophobic behaviour from their neighbours.

However at least one Somali responded that he was annoyed at Sheikh’s attempt to ‘create animosity in our neighbourhood’.

“I have been living this neighbourhood for the last 15 years and I find our Indians hosts welcoming and friendly never experienced any harm from any one,”  Abdur Rahman Mohamed said in a Facebook post according to the Daily Vox.


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