Executive Summary of Aid Flows in Somalia -2020


Somalia received US$ 1.9 billion in official development assistance (ODA) in 2019, comprised of roughly equal volumes of humanitarian (US$ 934 million) and development aid (US$ 924 million). The World Bank, United Kingdom, European Union and Germany were the largest providers of development aid in 2019, together providing more than 50% of total development aid (approximately US$ 500 million).

The United States provided nearly half of all humanitarian aid in 2019 (US$ 455 million). Donors increased their contributions to the SDRF Funds in 2019 to US$ 225 million, compared with US$ 190 million in 2018. The share of development aid channeled through the SDRF Funds increased from 32% in 2019 compared with 24% in 2018. The European Union has been the largest contributor to the SDRF Funds since they were established, with US$ 186.2 million in total contributions between 2014 and 2019.

There was an increase in reported project-level disbursements in all Federal Member States in 2019, relative to 2018. A large portion of project-level disbursements in FMS are for health, food security and education. A resource for planning and coordination, this report presents data and analysis drawn from two primary data sources: i) the 2019 government-led aid mapping exercise, and ii) the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) managed by OCHA. The Federal Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development (MoPIED) led the aid mapping exercise and produced this report with the support of the United Nations and World Bank.

Please find below links to the previous Aid Flow Analysis publications:

Aid Flows In Somalia-2019

Aid Flows in Somalia – 2018

Aid Flows in Somalia – 2017

Aid Flows Somalia-2016

Review of Aid Information Management in Somalia(2015)

Analysis of aid flow data-2014

Source: Somalia.un.org


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