Somaliland Executes Six Convicted of Premeditated Homicides


The Republic of Somaliland security forces have on Wednesday executed six inmates who had exhausted all appeals to stay the execution commute it or reverse it altogether.

The six men killed were transported from Hargeisa central penitentiary to the largest prison and training facilities in Mandera for this purpose.

According to a statement the prosecution released of the execution, the executed were all previously convicted of deliberate killings. The details of their crimes were listed as below:

      1. Ahmed Ibrahim Farah previously killed Mohamed Abdi Suleiman, a police officer.
      2. Hassan Muhumad Osman killed Ismail Farah Mohamed
      3. Khadar Aleel Hersi for killing Siyad Abdi Muhumad
      4. Farhan Mohamed Hassan for the murder of Ibrahim Ahmed Musa
      5. Aidarous Khadar Haibeh for killing Idiris Daud Jama
      6. Abdullahi Ismail Haid for the assassination of Garad Adan Mohamed
Hassan Muhumad Osman 'Santa Lucia' -
Hassan Muhumad Osman ‘Santa Lucia’

The letter from the Attorney-General’s office omitted, however, when each of the crimes was committed and where – perhaps intentionally as at least some of those killed today were in jail for more than 10 years which certainly raises a few eyebrows.

The execution, by firing squad, was carried out at Mandhera prison some 106 kilometres east of the capital Hargeisa and approximately a 2-hour drive distant.

The executions were carried in accordance with Ayah (verse)  179 of Sura Al Baqra (The Cow) which obligates that those deliberately kill others should be killed for their crimes so to save the living, saying there was life in the justice meted.

See the source image

“..And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of life], O you [people of] Understanding that you may become righteous..” (Saheeh international translation.)

In other words, if a killer is not made to pay his action with his life a string of revenge or tribal killings will follow.  Innocent relatives will pay for the criminal’s action. Even worse, as in the Somaliland case, killers will have no qualm of their deeds confident that they were protected by the international community of retribution leaving bereaved families despaired of justice.

The execution is the first implemented by the incumbent since it came to power in late 2017 and the second since April 2015 when another six – two of them mother and son – were executed for similar crimes.

The execution did not go without its cons and pros.

The EU ambassador to Somalia/Somaliland, Nicolas Berlinga, was quick to underline how he thought economic woes were somehow linked to executions or the absence of which observation, expectedly, drawing some biting barbs – and support, too, on Twitter.

At least one of them pointed out that the international community – of which the EU is a leading member – looked the other way when Villa Somalia, Mogadishu, ordered similar executions on a weekly routine if not on a daily basis, more often than not.

Another tweeted ‘This man lives in Mogadishu’ – meaning Ambassador Berlinga.


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