Somaliland: Waddani Opposition Party Sends Stern Warning to Puntland


The Somaliland national opposition party, Waddani, on Thursday,  called on Puntland not to mistake politically-motivated wrangles among national parties for insidious conflict.

“When you see us darting sharp barbs at the President, do not mistake it for insidious, irreparable conflict. It is an exercise of our democratic rights. We are commanding the president’s attention so he takes heed of areas of concern we highlight,” Barkhad Jama Battun, the party Spokesman stated.

Battun was speaking at an event held for the graduation of the 16th batch of the University of Hargeisa, Thursday.

“I wish to take this opportunity to caution Puntland not to be misled by our sharp exchanges,” he said, adding: “It should take off its hands of Eastern Sanaag. We squarely stand behind the President when it comes to decisions and leadership prerogatives bearing on national unity and defence”.

Barkhad added that his party solidly backed President’s initiatives in safeguarding unity, stability and national defence.

“The official Waddani stand on these matters is to uphold national unity, its integrity and defence. In these matters, we stand as one with the President – whether we gain or lose votes by it,” he emphatically stated, drawing a roaring approval from his audience.

“We have only one President, and our President is His Excellency Musa Bihi Abdi. He is a president for both conservative and opposition parties and their constituents, supporters,” he underlined.

Waddani was often chided for not coming to the open when there are issues touching on unity, defence and clan-motivated rivalries. The party had been, on occasion, of covertly aligning itself with elements suspected of pro-Somalia unionism.

The Spokesman, if anything, certainly dissipated all suspicions of the kind by his strong, no-nonsense words.


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