Somaliland Coast Guard Trains On Counter-Piracy And Maritime Security

EU Naval Force genomför Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB) med Somalilands kustbevakning. Detta i syfte att stärka de lokala myndigheternes förmåga att arbeta till sjöss. Fartyget JOHAN DE WITT bidrar med nautiska instruktörer och svenska stridsbåtar står för eskort och det yttre skyddet under övningen. På JOHAN DE WITT genomförs också samtidigt Key Leader Engagement (KLE), samverkan, mellan personal från EU CAP NESTOR samt nyckelpersoner från hjälporganisationer och lokala nyckelpersoner i området.

The Spanish ship ESPS Relámpago stationed off of Somalia’s coast has welcomed a contingent of Somaliland Coast Guard (SLCG) and other security officers aboard to train them in the Gulf of Aden. The training is geared at ensuring that piracy in on the extensive coast of Somalia is deterred at the same time equipping the officers with skills to aid in maritime security.

The extensive training included a presentation on maritime security and counter-piracy procedures followed by practical training with Spanish marine teams embarked on the coastguard vessels. The training will enhance the SLCG’s capability to support safety and security around Berbera Port.

The on-board training is an embodiment of the EU Integrated approach to peace and prosperity in the area: safe and secure ports are a prerequisite for a flourishing Blue economy and prosperity of Somaliland.

written by David Goldberg


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