Somalia Declares UN Special Representative Persona Non Grata


The Somalia government through the Ministry of foreign affairs has declared UN’s envoy Nickolas Haysom to be persona non grata in the country.

In what it termed as ‘meddling in its internal affairs’, Somalia said that Mr Haysom could not be allowed to operate in the country.

This comes just a day after Mr Hayson wrote to the government seeking answers following the arrest of Mr Mukhtar Robow who is allegedly being detained at unknown place in Mogadishu.

“Somalia notifies UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres that the United Nations envoy Nicholas Haysom is persona non-grata in the country and cannot operate here,” read a statement through the ministry of foreign affairs.

The statement further alleged that “Mr Haysom was acting in violation of protocols and deliberately interfering with Somalia’s internal affairs.”

Mr Haysom had only served in Somalia for three months after he succeeded Michael Keating who hails from Britain.

In a letter written to the Internal Security Minister,  Mr. Haysom demanded investigations into the arrest of Mr. Robow.

“If action has not yet taken place, I urge that the matter be thoroughly and promptly investigated and that appropriate action is taken to hold any perpetrators, including commanding officers responsible,” read part of Mr. Haysom’s letter to the Internal Security ministry.

The letter is said to have been penned following a joint statement by the United Kingdom (UK) the European Union (EU) and Germany saying that they had suspended funds directed to police officers who serve in the South West State (SWS).







    Today, on 1 January 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
    International co-operation by international co-operation agreements
    The diplomatic relations with the Somali government have been reported to the Somali Government
    The Secretary-General of the United Nations does not require the country to do so
    United Nations Secretary-General Nicholas Haysom.
    This decision is based on a clear breach of pride and
    culturally appropriate in the United Nations Office of the United Nations and,
    the independence of the country.

  2. We are moving where you know and we are going on highlights, so all of us must done well together, if I checking in this letter script direct to minister of internal . So who his boss, Haysom and prime minister.


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