United States: Burglars target a Colombus Somali-owned shop


A Somali market is cleaning up shattered glass from a busted front door after a second burglary in under a week.

“What they are doing is totally wrong,” said Abdi Ibrahim, manager of the East African Market on Morse Road.

A Somali market is cleaning up shattered glass from a busted front door after a second burglary in under a week (WSYX/WTTE)

The business, which opened to serve the Somali Community less than a year ago, has been broken into twice since Veteran’s Day.

“We are still trying to stay here and be strong, (we’re) not going to give up,” said Ibrahim.

Security cameras each time captured two suspected thieves bust in through the front door and steal money from the cash register.

A Somali market is cleaning up shattered glass from a busted front door after a second burglary in under a week (WSYX/WTTE)

During the first burglary on November 11th, the culprits stole hundreds of dollars and expensive cell phones.

After the first robbery, the store was ready for the crooks return. During the second break-in, the bad guys walked away with the cash drawer, that was only filled with some change.

A Somali market is cleaning up shattered glass from a busted front door after a second burglary in under a week (WSYX/WTTE)

“Not like the last time,” said Ibrahim when comparing the severity of the burglaries, “But, the glass drawer is expensive.”

Ibrahim believes one of the thieves is connected to both heists. In both crimes, thieves were wearing ball caps, hoodies, gloves and dark pants police say.

Anyone with information is asked to call Columbus Police at 614-645-4545.


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