Somalia: Kenyan Forces Destroy Hormud Telecom, Kill Guards and Personnel Again

Hormud Somalia

The KDF is accused of burning the sixth Hormud Telcom depot along the Kenya-Somalia border

Kenyan troops have allegedly destroyed Hormud Telecom branch-building after crossing its border along Somalia.

The Kenyan forces demolished the Telecom branch building with bomb explosions in Ali-Bulei area, some 30km north of border town of Dhobley, a witness, who asked to be anonymous said.

He says heavily armed Kenyan military soldiers had raided on Hormud Telecom headquarters last night, and destroyed its antenna with bomb explosions.

“I can only confirm you that Kenyan forces used RPGs and grenade bombs which tore down communication building near border town”, he said.

Kenyan Forces crossing its border into Somalia have allegedly destroyed Hormud Telecom building

There was no communication service into area after being cut off in an attack carried out by Kenyan forces, who crossed its border along Somalia.

Last month, Kenyan forces destroyed Hormud Telecom branch building near border town, a witness, Faisa Hussein, said.Image result for Kenya Forces destroy Hormud Telecom Property along border townHussein says she had witnessed up to 10 people, who were shot and killed by Kenyan forces over unknown reasons, after an attack on Hormud Telecom headquarters near the border town.

Two Hormud security guards were among those were killed in the attack, according to Somali colonel Aden Rufle.

He said the Kenyan forces serving under African Union mission in Somalia had also kidnapped 5 girls from Baladhawo town, and then being raped in Kenya’s northeast town of Mandera.

There was no comment from Kenyan Defense Forces’ command in Nairobi over the deliberate destruction of property and sexual violence near Somalia-Kenya border.

In 2011, Nairobi has sent its troops into Somalia to fight against Al Shabaab in retaliation for a wave of kidnappings of foreigners that has blighted its tourism industry.

Kenyan forces crossed its border into Somalia to launch operations against Al Shabaab, in a bid to thwart orchestrated attacks by Al Qaeda-inspired group in Somalia.



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