Dahabshiil Holds End-of-year Commendatory Dinner for Staff


To mark another rewarding year for the Dahabshiil Money Transfer wing of the Dahabshiil Group of companies, DMT management held an end-of-the-year appreciative dinner to commend staff, agents and loyal customers at Damal Hotel, Hargeisa, for their contributions to a most splendid year.

DMT & Operations Center Boss, Abdirashid Farah AhmedIt was an evening not blemished by a long string of repetitive speeches as happens on similar occasions.It was an occasion characterized by warmth of environment and the banter of colleagues relaxing from a long day towards the very end of another year that the staff has surpassed itself in multi-pronged, multi-functional initiatives that successfully overcame stiff challenges.”This get together is simply our way to say to you ‘well done and thank you!’,” DMT Chief Executive Abdi Farah said.

He told staff that DMT did not only reach its preset goals but that it, also, soared higher than all expectations.Dahabshiil

HR Chief Ahmed Farah”You have once again, proven your mettle, your dedication, and a positive, comfortable blend into your working environment which translated into the success we, in part, celebrating tonight,” he said.Group Human Resources Chief, Ahmed Farah, briefly speaking at the occasion introduced a new performance appraisal program that would go into effect in 2018.

“This time next year, we will be celebrating in a different mood in a different mode as we will be applauding the year’s top performers in a bigger, more ostentatious way,” he said.

“looking at our achievement from a human resources angle, we have more than attained goals we have set for ourselves for 2017 which is a cause for pride and celebration,” he added.

Deputy DMT CEO, Ahmed Warsame Duale, and Chief Financial Officer, Farah Ismail Ali, both warmly congratulated staff and management for another flawless year that saw the company capture new markets, spread geographically further afield in the world, service greater number of customers and consolidate its impeccable, compliant reputation more and more.

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DMT Executive Officer for the United Kingdom, Ibrahim M Yussuf and Abdulkadir Hussein Saed, Corporate Clients Manager, also added their warm felicitations to the staff at the meeting.

Towards the end of the evening event, a raffle was drawn and members of the staff were awarded presents commensurate with the nature of the occasion.

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