Somaliland: President pays unannounced tour on government institutions


His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Siilaanyo, paid an impromptu visit on several government institutions in the latest of many unannounced tours the President makes to ferret out facts that do not normally arrive at his State desk.

His Excellency started his inspection at the Ministry of Education, followed by the ministries of Agriculture, Commerce, and Information and the Civil Service Commission.

The President caught some of the Ministers and assistant ministers absent in the ministries and institutions he toured early on Monday morning.

Only at the Ministry of Agriculture did the President find the Minister at his workstation. At Information, the newly appointed Vice Minister was at work. The Director Generals at Education, Commerce and Information were also on duty at the time of the visit. The Director of the Somaliland National Television and the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission were also found well into their daily responsibilities.

According to H.E. Mohamoud Hashi Abdi, Minister for the Presidency, who accompanied the President on this tour, the purpose behind the President’s spur-of-the-moment tour was to observe how government institutions were fulfilling national duties at the work place on duty hours.

In all of the places visited, the President intently listened to the briefs of officers leading the respective institutions.

At the end of the morning tour, the President dropped by Maansoor Hotel where patrons were pleasantly taken by surprise seeing the President casually taking a seat at the foyer to order a cup of morning coffee.




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