The Raw Videos That Have Sparked Outrage Over Police Treatment of Blacks


Keith Lamont Scott

Sept. 20, 2016Charlotte, N.C.

Keith Lamont Scott, 43, was fatally shot by the police at his apartment complex. The police were there to serve someone else with a warrant. Mr. Scott had parked his car in a visitor’s space, where he often waited for one of his children to return home on a bus. The video was captured by his wife on her cellphone.

Rakeyia Scott, the wife of Keith Lamont Scott

Terence Crutcher

Sept. 16, 2016Tulsa, Okla.

Terence Crutcher, 40, was fatally shot by a Tulsa police officer who was responding to reports of an abandoned vehicle in the road. Footage from the dashboard camera of a police car shows Mr. Crutcher walking toward a car with his hands raised before being Tasered and then shot.

The New York Times

Paul O’Neal

July 28, 2016Chicago, Ill.

Videos taken from police officers’ body and dashboard cameras show two officers firing their guns at a stolen car moments before the driver, Paul O’Neal, 18, crashed it into a police vehicle. Mr. O’Neal was shot and killed in the back as he fled the scene and ran behind a nearby house. Police officers could be seen gathering around Mr. O’Neal as he lay on the ground.

Chicago Police Dept.

Philando Castile

July 6, 2016Falcon Heights, Minn.

Philando Castile, 32, was fatally shot during a traffic stop in a St. Paul suburb, the aftermath of which was captured in a grisly video recorded by the car’s front-seat passenger and streamed live as the man slumped against her. Her young daughter sat in the back seat.

The New York Times

Alton Sterling

July 5, 2016 Baton Rouge, La.

A cellphone video shows a black man, Alton Sterling, 37, being tackled and then held to the ground by two white officers. Someone shouts, “He’s got a gun!” and one officer appears to hold a gun above Mr. Sterling’s chest. Multiple gunshots are heard while Mr. Sterling is pinned down. Mr. Sterling died at the scene.

Laquan McDonald

Oct. 20, 2014Chicago

A dashcam video shows Laquan McDonald, 17, running, then walking past police officers when he is struck by bullets. One of the officers, Jason Van Dyke, who is white, was charged with murder on Nov. 24, 2015. Mr. McDonald, who is black, was shot 16 times.

Chicago Police Dept.

South Carolina High School Student

Oct. 26, 2015Columbia, S.C.

Videos, apparently shot by students in a high school classroom, show a white school police officer grabbing an African-American student by the neck, flipping her backward as she sat at her desk, then dragging and throwing her across the floor.

YouTube video uploaded by Reginald Seabrooks

James Blake

Sept. 9, 2015New York

James Blake, a retired tennis star who is biracial, was standing outside a Manhattan hotel when Officer James Frascatore threw him to the ground, mistaking him for a thief. Investigators studying the surveillance video concluded that the officer had used excessive force.

New York City Police Dept.

Christian Taylor

Aug. 7, 2015Arlington, Tex.

Surveillance cameras at a car dealership showed what occurred just before a white rookie police officer shot and killed Christian Taylor, 19, an unarmed black college student and football player. Officer Brad Miller was fired for using poor judgment.

Classic Buick GMC

Samuel Dubose

July 19, 2015

The body camera for Officer Ray Tensing, of the University of Cincinnati police, captured the moment when he shot Samuel Dubose, 43, during a traffic stop involving a missing front license plate. Officer Tensing, who is white, has been charged with the murder of Mr. Dubose, a black man.

Sandra Bland

July 10, 2015Prairie View, Tex.

Dashboard camera video revealed that the white Texas State trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland, 28, threatened her with a stun gun as their encounter escalated, partly because of her apparent unwillingness to snuff out a cigarette. Ms. Bland, a black woman, was arrested and later found dead in a jail cell.

A Teenager and a Pool Party

June 5, 2015McKinney, Tex.
Cellphone video showed a white police officer, David Eric Casebolt, pointing a gun at teenagers in bathing suits and shoving a black girl’s face into the ground.
YouTube video uploaded by Brandon Brooks

Freddie Gray

April 12, 2015Baltimore

Freddie Gray, 25, suffered a spinal injury while in police custody. He died a week later. The six officers involved in his arrest, a mix of black and white, were charged with crimes that included murder and manslaughter.

YouTube video uploaded by The Attorney Depot

Walter L. Scott

April 4, 2015North Charleston, S.C.

A bystander recorded a white officer, Michael T. Slager, shooting an unarmed black man, Walter L. Scott, 50, in the back as he ran away. The video showed Mr. Slager firing eight times then casually walking over to Mr. Scott, who was pronounced dead at the scene.

Tamir Rice

Nov. 22, 2014Cleveland

Surveillance video showed Officer Timothy Loehmann, who is white, hopping out of a police cruiser and immediately firing two shots at Tamir Rice, 12, killing him at close range. Before the shooting, Tamir, who was black, had been using a fake gun that looked strikingly like the real thing.

Michael Brown

Aug. 9, 2014Ferguson, Mo.

A bystander’s video showed Michael Brown, 18, lying in the middle of the street after being shot and killed by a white officer named Darren Wilson. His body stayed in the street for hours. He was unarmed. Mr. Wilson was not indicted.

Ace Johnson via Facebook

Eric Garner

July 17, 2014Staten Island

Eric Garner, 43, died after police officers tried to arrest him for the illegal sale of cigarettes. He was wrestled to the ground and placed in a chokehold. A cellphone camera held by a friend recorded the struggle as Mr. Garner told the police multiple times, “I can’t breathe.”


Taisha Allen

At least two videos since 2013 depicting police shootings of Hispanic men have also raised difficult questions about whether the shootings were justified.

Antonio Zambrano-Montes

Feb. 10, 2015 Pasco, Wash.

A video shot by a bystander showed a Hispanic man, Antonio Zambrano-Montes, 35, running from three police officers after being accused of throwing rocks at cars and officers. His hands were in the air when the police fired. Two of the officers were white; one was Hispanic.

YouTube video uploaded by Dario Infante Zuniga

Ricardo Diaz-Zeferino

June 2, 2013Gardena, Calif.

Ricardo Diaz-Zeferino, 34, was trying to help his brother find his stolen bike. Dashboard camera videos (which the police in Los Angeles tried to keep secret) later showed that he was shot when he was mistaken for the thief and did not keep his hands still in the air as instructed. The three officers involved were not charged.


An illustration on Saturday about two years of violent encounters between police and minority Americans misstated the location of one such episode. The shooting of Samuel Debose took place near the University of Cincinnati, not on the campus. (The officer involved, however, worked for the university.)

Additional work by Gregor Aisch and Yuliya Parshina-Kottas



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