Anderson Cooper of ‪#‎NothingLeftUnsaid‬ Falls in love with Somaliland


The renowned, larger than life media personality, Anderson Cooper stayed in Somaliland for a few days to prepare a documentary about Somaliland and its Abaarso Tech whose students had been making the headlines in scholarships at  American universities.

Of his visit, Anderson said ” Had an amazing weekend in Somaliland for an upcoming story. Just back online and want to thank everyone for all the love about #NothingLeftUnsaidand #TheRainbowComesAndGoes. #MothersDayThe comment that he posted on his FB verified Facebook page, was followed by a number of comments which expressed both delight and anticipation of his forthcoming documentary of his short sojourn in a country oft-described as ‘Africa’s best kept secret’ .

Going by the vein of the comments, Mr. Cooper’s visit had left a tremendous impact on people’s perceptions – of him  and of Somaliland.


Mahamad Duale
 Mahamad DualeWelcome to Somaliland Mr. Anderson Cooper 360. Home of Peace and Stability in Horn Region.
Abdirizak M. Aalen
 Abdirizak M. Aalen What we now ask from you is to spread that love to everyone else, and i look forward to watch your story on Abaarso Tech University.
Ronny Gunvorsson Berg
Ronny Gunvorsson BergLooking forward to the story. Somaliland is an interesting part of Africa.
Salma A Sheik
Salma A Sheik Mr Anderson Cooper, it was great meeting you in Hargeisa, Somaliland. It, also, was surreal that I interviewed you for SLNTV 😍 I was so stunned by the opportunity I forgot to take a picture with you 😟 looking forward to your documentary on my country. Thank you and I am sure you are impressed with our achievements and inspired too.
Monica Evans

Monica Evans Loved nothing left unsaid. Looking forward to your story on Somaliland. As always terrific work that stays with you for sometime afterwards. Thank you Anderson!!

Rich Murray
 Rich Murray Looking forward to your story about Somaliland — so interesting politically and so unfamiliar to most North Americans.
Kelly Clayton Smith
Kelly Clayton SmithWonderful! My daughter taught at Abaarso for a year. A wonderful school and Somalilanders are some the nicest people you will ever meet. Sahra (in green hijabi) is well-loved by my family. I’m one of her American Mamas.
Yusuf Dahir
Yusuf DahirThank you for visiting Somaliland Anderson Cooper looking forward to see the documentary.
Mohamed Hassan
Mohamed HassanThanks for showing up in somaliland to do a show about the country. I’m glad you took time from your busy schedule to do this upcoming story. Hopefully this will educate many Americans about the history of Somaliland and the long struggle searching for international recognitions.
Yani Warsame
Yani Warsame Thank you Anderson Cooper for telling the stories the need to be told and shedding light on places that need to be seen especially my home country of Somaliland.
Yasmine Qalanjo
 Yasmine Qalanjo Thank you Anderson Cooper for taking the time to visit Somaliland and looking forward to watch #nothingleftunsaid.
Somaliland Intellectuals
Somaliland Intellectuals Thank you for visiting Somaliland Anderson Cooper, and we hope this won’t be your last visit to The Republic of Somaliland. We are looking forward to your upcoming report about Somaliland.
Moha Khadar
 Moha Khadar The rainbow comes and goes,, thanks Anderson Cooper God bless you Mom…
Also thanks for sharing openly that you had an amazing weekend in#Somaliland
The terrorist dominated TV #AJ will never report from that part of the world.

11351320_10207022105540198_2302278889305944260_nAnderson Cooper
Anderson Hays Cooper is an American journalist, author, and television personality. He is the primary anchor of the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360°. The program is normally broadcast live from a New York City studio; however, Cooper often broadcasts live on location for breaking news stories. From September 2011 to May 2013, he also served as host of his own eponymous syndicated daytime talk show, Anderson Live.Early life and educationCooper was born in New York City, the younger son of the writer Wyatt Emory Cooper and the artist, designer, writer, and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. His maternal grandparents were millionaire equestrian Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt and socialite Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, and his maternal great-great-great-grandfather was business magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt, of the prominent Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune. He is also a descendant, through his mother, of Civil War brevet Major General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick, who was with General William T. Sherman on his march through Georgia. Through his “Vanderbilt” line, he is a second cousin, once removed, of screenwriter James Vanderbilt.


  1. We really appreciate your historical visit to somaliland,which I can say the forgotten heaven on earth.
    Hopefully,this will not be your last trip,and your more welcome to our home land anytime.
    I believe the others will follow your path.

  2. I am very very sad to come a muslim holly land like this stupid nijaz, i also we sorry yhose don’t this proudly guy, whise the camgpeiner of homosexuality, but where is the role of our sheikhs Sorry somalilanders to be happy and welcome a stupid like this


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