200-plus immigrant Somalilanders perish in the Mediterranean (photos)


Over four hundred immigrants perished in the Mediterranean on their way to Europe on Saturday, it has now been confirmed.

More than two hundred of the dead were identified as Somalilanders hailing who left the regions of Togdheer, Marodijeh and Awdal. About 80% of the dead belong to Togdheer, Social media reports circulated.

The boat carrying the immigrants left Egypt on its way to the Greek islands in search of a ‘better life’ – as is oft-times quoted to explain the seemingly senseless influx into Europe leaving behind the comfort of homes and love of parents that only learn of their children’s plights when they fall into the hands of ransom-demanding traffickers or are in need of passage fare on ‘death-boats’ attempting to cross the daunting high seas.

There is hardly a home in Burao, Togdheer, and many residential areas in Hargeisa that the deaths did not touch. One could hear the anguished wails of mothers and the pained cries of relatives in many of those homes. Somalis have extended family systems that defy clan delineations and boundaries.

Some of the reports indicate that another ship trying to ‘save’ the immigrants’ overladen boat rammed into it causing it to capsize and drown the over-wrought passengers – most of whom knew not how to swim or keep themselves afloat until help arrived.

Some of the reports even pointed an accusing finger on European policies that may have encouraged the advertent – or inadvertent – deaths of the immigrants whether it be in the circumstances they happened or in the high-handed handling of those policing the seas.

A Lucky Exception

Wiil Soomaali Ah Oo Ku Jiray Doontii Masar Ka Baxday Oo Tacsidiisa Loo Fadhiyay Oo Ka Farxiyay Qoyskiisa Kadib Markii Uu Soo Diray Qoraal Uu Ku Sheegay Inuu Badbaaday.One of the youngsters on board the death-trap boat saved his mourning family of more agony when he found a connection and posted a brief message on Facebook announcing his safety.

Abadalla Warsame Sandhool, a.k.a. Awale ‘Safiirka’, said he was safe and taken to one of the Greek islands along with 22 more Somalis and an unspecified number from other nationalities.

” I thank God that I among twenty-three Somalis saved have been taken to an island on the Greece border . I request that you – my family and friends – who have been posting  condolences on my death on social media take it down,” Abadalla said.

The survivor said the boat was carrying over 500 immigrants. Among the dead were husbands and wives and single mothers with their children.

Another survivor later recounted how a boat they were being transferred to mid-sea sank under the weight without moving an inch. The survivors, he said, were either of those that were yet to go over or found on the sea not yet drowned. The traffickers, he said, cast off on dinghies leaving them all to their fate.

However the outcome of an investigation into what actually happened comes out, this incident goes down in history as the one that reaped the death of the largest number of Somalilanders. Without apprehending the culprits and serving them their just desserts in a competent court of law, this heinous parody of and disrespect to the sanctity of human lives would go unchecked, unaccounted for.

The names of some of the deceased are printed below, followed by photo shots of a number of them some of which had been taken only days before they boarded the ill-fated boat to their watery graves (God have Mercy on their souls).



  • Hodan
  • Xamda Wali
  • Maxamed Khadar
  •  Tayasiir Axmed Yusuf
  • Cawaale Xawaadle
  • Koos Xusen Cali
  • C/casiis Maxamed Khadar (shiyo)
  • Sakariye Caynsane
  •  Mukhtaar Laangadhe
  • Ubax Axmed Cabdiwali 
  • Asad Xasan
  • Cabdicasiis 
  • Bilaale Milyare dheeliye
  • Xamda Cabdilaahi 
  • Warda
  • Nawaal Jibaaxe
  • Sacad Sulub
  • Axmed Shuuriye 
  • Mukhtaar Ciise
  • Kowsar (Gabadhii Mukhtaar)
  • Jamaal Cabdilaahi Mataan
  • Cawil Gaardi 
  • Shiine Khadar 
  • Farxaan (Shoodhe Guray)
  • Muxumed Saleebaan (Socoto)
  • Nimoco (Waxay ahayd hooyo inan yar wadata)
  • Kaltuun 
  • Siciid Casaanyo
  • Cabdirisaaq Guray
  • Samatar Cilmi
  • Faysal Hanad 
  • Maxamed Mire 
  • Barwaaqo 
  • Ayman 
  • Maxamed Faroole 
  • Baashe Faarax Jaamac
  • Khadra 
  • Cawil 
  • Axmed Abiib (Jano Gale )
  • Aadan 
  • Nuura Cismaan Axmed 
  • Muuna Yuusuf Axmed
  • Layla Xuseen Axmed
  • Salma Muxumed 
  • Xamda Maxamed Dhakhtar 
  • Cabdirisaaq 
  • Ciise Cali 
  • Cismaan Cabdiwali Shagaxle 
  • Mukhtaar Ciise 
  • Axmed Aadan 
  • Farduus (BURCO)
  • Ruqiya Idiris 
  • Guuleed Dalmar 
  • Deeq 
  • Cabdicasiis Cali 
  • Khadar Axmed 
  • Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Case
  • Qadan Saalax Cabdilaahi 
  • Nuur 
  • Ubax. 


epa04186845 An image made available on 30 April 2014 shows migrants being rescued during operation 'Mare Nostrum' in the southern Mediterranean sea off the Italian coast, 29 April 2014. The Mare Nostrum ('Our Sea') mission started in October following two fatal shipwrecks - one near Lampedusa, Italy's southernmost point, and the other in Maltese waters - in which more than 400 people died. The Mediterranean boat patrols credited for saving tens of thousands of migrants' lives may have to be stopped, an Italian government official suggested, because they were encouraging more people to embark on dangerous sea crossings. EPA/GIUSEPPE LAMI



























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