Somaliland defines cross-border travel, immigration, security parameters


People who are NOT natives of the Republic of Somaliland currently residing in the country shall be required to get the Official Resident Permit (papers).

While those without such legalities shall be considered as illegal immigrants thence obligated to leave the country within 30 days From as 1st of January 2016Security forces ordered to crack down on illegal migrantsAt the same time citizens of Somalia entering Somaliland are required to have legal papers (thus passports) as valid travelling documents whenever they enter (or exit) the country through all ports (air, sea) or (frontiers).

Similarly citizens of Somaliland travelling to or from Somalia must possess a valid Somaliland Passport or valid national identification card before purchasing air tickets.

At the same time the government of Somaliland which is a stakeholder in security within the wider Horn and east African Region has also warned those with terrorism tendencies to deter from thoughts of utilizing the country as a stepping stone for their activities while placing security forces on alert for such.

This is per directives issued by the government as part of new security measures that have specifics as pertains

1) Migratory (movements of persons) between the Republic of Somaliland and Somalia.

2) Reinforcing the security of Somaliland’s frontiers and borders.

3) Prevention of migration of foreigners through Somaliland.

4) Illegal immigrants residing in the Republic of Somaliland.

The directives approved by a council of ministers meeting chaired by president Silanyo, below were released to the press by the presidential spokesperson titled

Somaliland Government Directives on Security and Immigration Issues

The Security, Peace and Stability of the population are all-important core values of the basic foundation and fundamental essence of being of the Republic of Somaliland as a nation. It is mainly because of this fact that the State under the leadership of H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Silanyo has prioritized the issue of the Security and Peaceful Stability of (and for) the nation at large.

The State and People of the Republic Somaliland are acquainted with the nature of the precarious security situation in this volatile part of the continent. The government and her people are therefore convicted to the harnessing, maintaining and securing the peaceful stability of their country. On the other hand the government has taken upon themselves the burden of harnessing the heavy task of the security and peaceful stability incumbent upon them the effects of such ramifications as far as the immediate bordering neighbours, the Horn of Africa or the international community security is concerned.

While specially focusing on this issue of stability and security of peace that the Head of State H.E. Ahmed Mohammed chaired a Cabinet meeting on the 24th of Dec 2015 at their usual presidency hall prioritized this issue hence dealt with the strengthening of the territorial integral security (of land, see and air) of Somaliland. In this meeting whose agenda was entitled with the same focus described above, the council of the Cabinet also looked into the dangers associated with migratory movements of illegal human trafficking hence discussed the following in details:-

5) Migratory (movements of persons) between the Republic of Somaliland and Somalia.

6) Reinforcing the security of Somaliland’s frontiers and borders.

7) Prevention of migration of foreigners through Somaliland.

8) Illegal immigrants residing in the Republic of Somaliland.

After lengthy and detailed discussions pertaining to the current prevalent situation of having illegal immigrants residing in the country and illegal migration of foreigners passing through the Republic of Somaliland, the Cabinet made the following decisions:


1. CITIZENS OF SOMALIA who travel between the two countries:

Somalia citizens are required:

a) To have legal papers (thus passports) as valid travelling documents whenever they enter (or exit) the country through all ports (air, sea) or (frontiers).

b) To have a Somaliland immigration official “Go Home Permit” before boarding a flight from the Republic of Somaliland. They have to get such papers even before they purchase any air ticket to Somalia.

c) The Entry Fee for Somali citizens has been made $15 Dollars per person.

2. Somaliland citizens who travel to Somalia:

For Somaliland citizens who want to travel to Somalia (Excluded from those not allowed to do so by the Constitution) have got to:

a) Have a valid Somaliland Passport before purchasing air tickets, or

b) Have a valid national identification card.

Somaliland citizens who are coming back to the country are required:

a) Have a Somaliland Passport, or

b) Have a National Identity Card, or

c) Have a guarantor who would vouch for the traveller’s Somaliland true identity/nationality. This is subject to filling forms provided by airline companies.

3. Illegal migrants and foreign migration (human trafficking) through the Republic of Somaliland:

1. Any foreigner has got to have a valid visa before he or she enters the country through any entry points (whether by sea, air, or land).

Somaliland visas are issued by Somaliland Diplomatic mission offices wherever they are.

2. People who are NOT natives of the Republic of Somaliland residing in the country shall be required to get the Official Resident Permit (papers). From 1st of January 2016, all illegal immigrants residing in the country are required to leave the country within 30 days. They must apply for valid resident permit papers within that period or shall be forcibly ejected out of the country.

3. From the 1st of January 2016, this declaration from the government makes it illegal for Hotels and Catering, Remittances and Money Transferors, Landlords, and Car Dealers, etc to deal with and/or to provide services to customers who fall in illegal category and/or to customers without valid identification unless they have acquired valid papers. In the same strength, the entrepreneurs in the above category are required to get photocopies of the valid papers, permits, documents etc of their customers.

4. From the 1st January 2016, all Telephone and Telecommunication Companies shall be required to retain photocopies of the valid document of customers hence registration details made before a telephone sim-cards may be availed to them (customers).Thus no telephone sim-cards can be sold to the customers without presenting valid documents.

5. The government of Somaliland calls upon the citizens of the country to be diligent in keeping security vigil in collaboration with the state. It also notifies Somalilanders to take notice of their declaration and heed its directives hence work in cooperation with the security apparatus of the country.

6. It is prohibited for any foreigner to work in the country illegally. Any non-native is required to acquire due working permits. All foreigners in this category are required to get legal working permits within 30 days from the 1st of January 2016. This is regardless of any trade being indulged in. Failure of this the person is liable to be apprehended and dealt with t in accordance with the law.

7. The Interior Ministry’s Department of Immigration and any other associated department concerned in this matter must perpetually monitor and implement the Government Directives which duly touch on the national peaceful stability and security.

8. With regards to the regional security situation of the Horn of Africa as a whole and at the same time while prioritizing the security of life and welfare of Somaliland citizenry, the Government of the Republic of Somaliland warns foreigners not to use this country as a transit-traffic route for illegal migration. Therefore, the Government of Somaliland directs a clear mandate to the security forces to keep vigil throughout, and to do everything whatever is necessary not only to protect the national interest, but also to safeguard the well-being of our citizens.

Presidential Press and Communications Office,

The Spokesman of the President of Republic of Somaliland,

Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr).


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