New Gold Area Discovered Recently in Somaliland


new sawirIt’s been known for long time that gold existed in some parts of somaliland, and this was revealed recently after Abdirahman Hassan , an owner of Local Mining Co. and a geologist found Gold nuggets from rock mountains in north of Marodijeh region, Hornmarket met with abdirahman and his team in hargeisa, as they were celebrating for their finding of gold area.

“Much of that area has been explored before. But in this case, where we found them, these were areas nobody had ever discovered until now,” Abdirahman said ” to dig and find gold in here needs hard work, effort and equipments but it will pay off for us and for the state ”

These Recent Findings will encourage Mining Investments in somaliland that has huge areas with gold, as well as soils rich in gold.


A friend of mine who has just come back from Somaliland has shown me the gold stones illustrated here which he collected from a location close to Hargeisasomaliland gold

He has brought with him at least one kilogram of raw gold stones which need filtering and melting to extract pure gold.

Somaliland is rich in minerals and many of these minerals are easily found close to the surface. Diamond and sapphire and other precious metals are also found in small quantities in SLD . Paint is also abundant in the coastal areas close to Berbera and can easily be seen on the sides of the highway that connects Berbera to Sheikh.

This is in addition to oil and gas discovered both offshore and in-land in the coastal areas as well as in Sool and Hawd areas.
Somaliland government has recently awarded oil and gas drilling contracts to foreign companies and the prospects are great for the production of oil and gas in the near future.

Somaliland gained independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not yet been recognised by any country although its stability is similar to most sovereign countries.


The Writer Mo Ali is the editor of


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