The internet is desperately trying to solve this disturbing puzzle that was hidden inside a CD mailed from Poland


The internet loves creepy puzzles with occult overtones — and now a new one is spreading through message boards and social media.

The sleuthing began when Johny from allegedly received an anonymous CD in the mail from Poland. Stored on the CD was a black-and-white video of a man dressed from head to toe in black robes and wearing a mask that doctors used while treating the Plague.Screen Shot 2015 10 19 at 9.09.36 AMScreenshot/

While the figure in the video doesn’t say anything, the video does contain a warbling sound that seems to be a code of sorts, and there is a blinking light in the cloaked figure’s hand that also suggests a hidden message.

Of course, the internet quickly dived headfirst into trying to solve the mystery. According to GadgetZZ, someone on Reddit put the audio into a spectrogram and the below strange image came out, which reads, “You are already dead.”pPK1AGEReddit

People decoding the sound also allegedly found pictures of a woman being tortured embedded in it, as well as GPS coordinates of the White House.

All of this amounts to a conspiracy theorist’s dream come true, and internet commenters have already postulated all kinds of ideas, including serial killers and the Illuminati.

GadgetZZ points out that the video first surfaced on the internet in a May post on the “paranormal” board of the image-sharing community 4chan, where an anonymous poster claims to have found the CD on a park bench.



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