Somaliland:Maroodi Jeh Regional Court Judge Lauds President Silanyo for paving the way for Persistent reforms in the judiciary


The chief magistrate of Maroodi Jeh regjonal court Judge Ahmed Dalmar Ismael praised President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud paving the way for persistent reforms on the country’s judiciary have dramatically which have improved the way the state dispenses justice.

Maroodi Jeh District court chief magistrate speaking to reporters on Friday said, “Since the current government came to power, it has strengthen capabilities of the judiciary, by recruiting new judges and improve transparency and accountability at the agency. Collectively, these resources and changes will help reform the Judiciary in the country.

Judge Ahmed Dalmar Ismael further added, “President Silanyo paved the way for the learned youth to join the country’s judiciary and also for signing the UNDP Youth empowerment agreement and most importantly for fulfilling his election campaign pledge to create employment for hundreds of youth.

“President Silanyo has fully supported and continues to works closely with these institutions so as to build capacity, improve self-sufficiency and stimulate justice sector reform in accordance with the constitution”, the Chief magistrate stated.

Somaliland Press


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