Press Release: UNDP-supported Civil Service Institute Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary in Somaliland


Somaliland’s Civil Service Institute (CSI) celebrated its 10th anniversary today in Hargeisa.
With support from UNDP, the CSI provides training to hundreds of civil servants every year in various subjects, focused on service delivery mechanisms, financial management, strategic management, and results oriented management.

With support from the European Commission, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and UK AID, the institute was established as a joint venture between UNDP and Somaliland’s Civil Service Commission ten years ago. Support to the CSI contributes to the civil service management reform processes, laying the foundation for a professional civil service in Somaliland.-home-horseedn-public_html-uploads-gallery-galleries-kuxigenkaiyoshahadoyin-IMG_8B86E1-912A05-03B9A0-38F911-589E99-C324B6Over the past few years, thousands of government staff received training in their specific fields of expertise. By the end of 2014, the CSI had trained more than 4,000 civil servants. Many graduates go on to hold senior positions in the government after graduation.

“UNDP is the one who created CSI, we know and we are so grateful for that” says the CSI Director, Mr. Guled Said.

“CSI is a remarkable success for both UNDP and Somaliland government in terms of sustainability and capacity building. After almost nine years of UNDP funding, the institute is financially independent with the support of the Somaliland government,” said Sergei Pushkarev, UNDP Head of Area Office.

With the support of the generous donors, UNDP’s Somali Institutional Development Project has been supporting capacity development with Government of Somaliland strongly focusing on the ‘core of government’.

Project’s activities included support for internal coordination, harmonization of cross-cutting work processes such as policy development, civil service management, aid management, capacity development of individual ministries and other government institutions, as well the coordination with the international community.



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