Somaliland: Words cannot truly sum up milestone achievements of government


This article is written on the occasion of the government rolled up five year term in office which attained successive achievements throughout the country that sourced wide appreciation from everywhere of somaliland from village, small settlements,distracts and regions and the beginning of the new era for the extended period which is one year and 10 months that commenced July 28, 2015 and winds up on April 27, 2017.

The successive achievements attained by this government has never been experienced for the combined years earlier than this government and the same cannot be estimated in terms of value .Two fours (24) ago, 18th of May 1991 people of Somaliland reclaimed their independence, after long liberation struggle and sacrifice of thousands of brave Martyrs who died for the liberating the country from the oppressive regime of Siyad bare that collapse in January 26, 1991.When the current came to office in Somaliland in 1210, the circumstances was running in desperate situation, but at present circumstance totally different before July 2010.

The starting point of any achievement is desire to execute the same and dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation and the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. Almost immediately when this government come to office on July 27, 2010, the government came with road and five year with aimed to accomplish specific set of goals as there is nothing stops the man who desires to achieve progress. The government has taken a leading role in establishing the foundations and principles and mapping strategies for economic development, setting growth targets, and launching reforms. The economy was shaped by the government through the plenary sessions by the ministerial council in an effort to accomplish the desired goals set to achieve. Effective Planning is recognized by the government as the characteristic and guidelines to attain their goals as it is hard to accomplish anything without a plan even if you are coaching a football team or running a small business, you need a strategic plan. A strategic plan looks at all the things your small business could do and narrows it down to the things it is actually good at doing. A strategic plan also helps business leaders determine where to spend time, human capital, and money. But, how should small businesses approach strategic planning. In effort to attain success, the government has developed a number of plans. Strategic planning involves looking at the government or organisation as a complete entity and is concerned with its long term development. This involves looking at where the government is now, determining where you want to get to, and mapping how to get there.

There are many different frameworks and methodologies for strategic planning and management which is considered as viable and suitable the current circumstances which are the following: Determine where you are. Identify what’s important. Focus on where you want to take your government over time. Define the expected objectives, determine who is accountable, how to allocate time, human capital, and money to address the priority issues and achieve the defined objectives.

Deciding what is and is not a priority for the use of resources; setting out a clear direction; and setting concrete goals for the future.  I was closely monitoring progress attained by this government since came into office and the reaction from Somaliland people in contrast with the former governments since 1991 and until 2010 and it is become evident that, the progresses attained by the government has sourced wide welcome and appreciation from almost every region every district in Somaliland as most people believe that, the real Somaliland born when this government came to office in 2010 as there is no visible progress in Somaliland earlier than this government. Every true citizen from Somaliland admits the popularity of this government in view of the progress in place throughout the country. To win the people, always cook them some savoury that pleases them. This government has won the hearts and minds of the people. This government has restored the hope of Somaliland people which was disappointed by the former governments.

The will power exercised by this government sourced progress that we never experienced in the past. Upon taking oath, this government has launched a set of management tools such as business plan, key performances indicators and key success indicators made them possible to achieve the successive progress in all domains of development traceable throughout the country. This management tools facilitated the government setting the goals to be achieved and how to monitor progress. Progress means getting nearer to the place you want. Effective strategic planning articulates not only where an organization is going and the actions needed to make progress. Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change if there is no struggle, there is no progress. Progress is the attraction that moves humanity. This management tools has facilitated the government setting the goals to be achieved and how to monitor progress. Taken above into consideration, this government has attained tens of development throughout the country. Forty three (43) of these achievements are listed underneath.


1.Salary increase: Since this government came to office, the salaries of the government personal both the civilian, army, police, and the others forces has been increased by 120 % which means tens of thousands have benefited this pay increase. This scale of salary increase is even rare in rich countries.

2. Tackled the unemployment: When the current government came to office, the number of our civilian work forces was 6,000 while at present, the number is running almost 20,000.  If we consider the average family only as three persons, that benefit affected almost 20, 000 x 3 which is equal 60,000 lives.

3. A policy of free education was introduced in primary and secondary schools, which almost doubled the number of students in Somali-land schools. This is a direct investment for the society. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Education is the movement from darkness to light. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open unleveraged family only as three persons, that benefit affected almost 20, 000 x 3 which is equal 60,000 lives.  Today, every child can attend 12 years of schooling for free. This is very unique quality in Africa, and Somaliland illiteracy rate will fall to a minimum level in the coming five years as children have access to schools including villagers. Teachers are factories that produce students. Education has been based on its direct economic effects, it is also  provides social benefits for individuals and society at large, including a bet The link between education and social benefits has long been recognised, as far back as Ancient Greece when Aristotle and Plato pointed out that education is central to the well-being of society. Primary school enrolment has rocketed beyond imagination in view of free education.

4.  A new policy of higher education grant system was introduced at university level for the students, who scores top grades in the secondary schools. This policy has generated an inter competition between the secondary students in an effort to win and benefit for the free higher education scheme put forward by the government. Higher education gives you the chance to study a subject you are interested in and boost your career prospects and earnings potential. If you are thinking of higher education, help and support is available. The true university of these days is a collection of books. University degree is gateway to improve the future of our students. This policy has generated an inter competition between the secondary students in an effort to win and benefit for the free higher education scheme put forward by the government.

5. The old bank notes left from the previous regime of Siyad Bare which was become obsolete have been replaced with new currency. This is considered in reality a direct investment to the society for the two regions togdheer and Sannag. One can imagine the numbers of families benefited the old currency replacement which certainly estimated several hundred thousand.

6. Asphalt roads: asphalt roads which refers to the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function such as roads, bridges which is components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions, this government has managed to construct asphalt roads estimated almost several hundred kilometers. Asphalt roads are important factors for the pillars of national economy. A safe and efficient transportation system provides numerous economic benefits to the communities. Asphalt roads in rural areas are the tallest pillar in nation’s economy of view of its multiple advantages to nation economy which of them are listed below.  Job creation, the value of our roadways can be counted in many ways. Roads fulfill a crucial function in modern society, providing increased mobility for people, goods and services. Safer travel, reduced fuel usage, reduced vehicle maintenance costs, increased safety, satisfaction, and pride among local residents, Job creation and related positive economic impact, Reduction in commercial transportation costs, Enhanced access to highway transportation networks, Improved access to resources, employee bases, markets, and customers.  Asphalt roads are key economic drivers, providing essential links between villages and farms and their local and regional markets. Roads also provide wider social benefits, giving rural and often isolated communities creating and maintaining an effective road network for rural areas is essential in supporting rural economies. Rural road construction is more like a tide that lifts all boats than a highly effective means of boosting economy in various factors. Transport infrastructure plays a central role in rural development. Among other benefits, rural roads provide cheaper access to both markets for agricultural. Development of rural roads brings multiple socio-economic benefits to the rural areas which form a strong base of the National economy and it is a powerful instrument for the socio-economic transformation of the villages. The quickly visible of these benefits are increased mobility, increased productivity, saving in cost of transportation of men and material and speedier flow of commodities beside, changes in the life style. Break of Isolation: Roads play an important role for overcoming the isolation of the villages. It provides a much needed opportunity. for the village population to come in contact with other groups of the society, which in turn inculcates in them a sense of being a part of national main stream in its prosperity and progress.

The benefits of rural asphalt roads include reducing travel time, reduce petrol consumption, reduce maintenance, increase safety standards, and boost real estate value, boost trade across the country, the poor and very poor benefited substantially from rural roads through access to big towns and cities services and the combination of above factors contributes overall economic growth. rural asphalts roads is the tallest for the nation’s infrastructure and nation get to improving its transportation infrastructure creates economic development, puts people back to work and, most important, enhances safety and improves local communities.Through numerous mechanisms, investments in the road sector benefit the whole society by providing access to territory and allowing poverty alleviation to take place. Consequently, the road network creates and stimulates positive synergy and enhances social cohesion and integration by giving citizens access to the same opportunities. Tens of road projects are under going in various parts of the country in which both the government and local community financed together. 6. Asphalt roads: asphalt roads which refers to the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function such as roads, bridges which is components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions, this government has managed to construct asphalt roads estimated almost several hundred kilometers. Asphalt roads are important factors for the pillars of national economy. A safe and efficient transportation system provides numerous economic benefits to the communities. Asphalt roads in rural areas are the tallest pillar in nation’s economy of view of its multiple advantages to nation economy which of them are listed below.  job creation, the value of our roadways can be counted in many ways. Roads fulfill a crucial function in modern society, providing increased mobility for people, goods and services. Safer travel, reduced fuel usage, reduced vehicle maintenance costs, increased safety, satisfaction, and pride among local residents, Job creation and related positive economic impact, Reduction in commercial transportation costs, Enhanced access to highway transportation networks, Improved access to resources, employee bases, markets, and customers.  Asphalt roads are key economic drivers, providing essential links between villages and farms and their local and regional markets. Roads also provide wider social benefits, giving rural and often isolated communities creating and maintaining an effective road network for rural areas is essential in supporting rural economies. Rural road construction is more like a tide that lifts all boats than a highly effective means of boosting economy in various factors.

Transport infrastructure plays a central role in rural development. Among other benefits, rural roads provide cheaper access to both markets for agricultural. Development of rural roads brings multiple socio-economic benefits to the rural areas which form a strong base of the National economy and it is a powerful instrument for the socio-economic transformation of the villages. The quickly visible of these benefits are increased mobility, increased productivity, saving in cost of transportation of men and material and speedier flow of commodities beside, changes in the life style. Break of Isolation: Roads play an important role for overcoming the isolation of the villages. It provides a much needed opportunity. for the village population to come in contact with other groups of the society, which in turn inculcates in them a sense of being a part of national main stream in its prosperity and progress. The benefits of rural asphalt roads include reducing travel time, reduce petrol consumption, reduce maintenance, increase safety standards, and boost real estate value, boost trade across the country, the poor and very poor benefited substantially from rural roads through access to big towns and cities services and the combination of above factors contributes overall economic growth. rural asphalts roads is the tallest for the nation’s infrastructure and nation get to improving its transportation infrastructure creates economic development, puts people back to work and, most important, enhances safety and improves local communities. Through numerous mechanisms, investments in the road sector benefit the whole society by providing access to territory and allowing poverty alleviation to take place. Consequently, the road network creates and stimulates positive synergy and enhances social cohesion and integration by giving citizens access to the same opportunities. Tens of road projects are under going in various parts of the country in which both the government and local community financed together. Overall roads boost to economic vitality. The world has experienced many great achievements in various sectors such as science, engineering, arts, architecture, exploration, inventions, medicine, mathematics and literature. The Apollo missions culminating in the July 1969 moon landing was one of the greatest achievements in 20th century. Apollo 11 blasted off from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.

This spacecraft would take 3 American astronauts to the Moon, landing 2 on its surface and return all 3 safely to Earth, less than a decade after the first manned space flight. Every nation has the historic achievements which never last over decades. In Somaliland constructing asphalt road estimated almost 300 kilometres is miracle achievement as no even though constructing a road for above length was not even thought let alone a dream .The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes great, determination and hard work and all our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.  This great achievement is attained by a team leading by young minster, Hersi Hajji Ali and it is true that the right person, in the right job, with the right skills, at the right time produces desired results and benefits.   Every person knows that hiring the right person for the right job is an important organisational need as this produces the desired results; the organisation also gains a reputation for hiring the right person. High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. Inspiration is one thing and you can’t control it, but hard work is what keeps the ship moving. Good luck means, work hard. Keep up the good work. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal and the road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion. Hard work spotlights the character of people and there is simply no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success. High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. Dreams pass into the reality of action.

From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.  In the event, there are important historical Events that changed the world, in Somaliland, the road that link the two regions Togdheer and Sannag is historical event which will be memorized over decades.   persons working together and finally a dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement and that is exactly in the case of the road that connects the two regions of Sannag and Togdhher, Above all, Sannag is the region located the beautiful mountain Dallo that have special attraction on human eyes, additionally, completing this road will contribute added value to our economy in view of the tourism which is by-product of the subject road.

7. The above policy has encouraged and influenced the society to initiate further projects and developments in their respective regions, districts and villages in order of obtaining financial assistance from the government, which is translated in reality in many places. This is by-product for the government progress. The by-product is sometimes more valuable than the product. Power is the by-product of understanding. Success is a nice by-product for good work.

8. The number of water wells before the current government was 96. This government has successfully dug out new water wells of 43 numbers. This is almost 50 % of the existed wells during the last 20 years of independence of the country. A considerable number of dams were built in various regions and additionally huge projects to cover the water requirement for the Capital city are under way.  Water is the Hub of Life. Water is the driving force of all nature. Water is the Hub of Life. Water is its mater and matrix, mother and medium. Water is the most extraordinary substance! Water is the driver of Nature

9. National TV and Radio station equipped with modern equipment, which is televised and transmittable in most foreign countries and at home have been installed. This are really sign of National identity. Arabic and English broadcasting are part of TV daily programmes. Special radio only religious matters are also installed as part of ministry services. Television can be a great source of entertainment, news and current events to people, educational programming that can benefit you and your family. Watching television is an easy way to unwind.  It doesn’t take up too much of your time and you can spend a short amount of time relaxing and being entertained. This form of entertainment fits nicely in our go-go-go lifestyles.

It gives us something to entertain us or something to think about with enough time to go about our daily lives. For those who like stories, television is a great way to feed that side. It can also inspire creative types who might be interested in getting into television in the future. Political debates, elections and messages from candidates for public office also fit into the category of TV programming that allows society to form connections. Television is a medium that exposes a wide audience of people to educational materials, such as political and meteorological news, science documentaries, early childhood education programming and local current events announcements, making it highly useful to a variety of different sections of the population. In addition to providing access to educational programming and news, television also helps disseminate cultural programming that people can enjoy and discuss with each other, something that is often beneficial for families who find themselves with little in common.

10. New hospitals were built in various regions of the country. Large member of new dispensaries were built in various regions of the country. Health very important need for all human being, certainly thousands of citizens benefits these hospitals, dispensaries. Medical equipments and ambulances worth hundreds of thousands of dollars bought for our hospitals which saved our citizens to travel foreign countries.

11. Somaliland’s various forces were looking like militia in the absences of the uniforms which is a mandatory requirement. Over 20 years our various were dressed like militias and you cannot differentiate the solders and the general as both were like a military. Less than two years in office, this government has managed to put the bad image of our forces. Today one can see every service man wearing the right uniforms in their respective fields. Apart each services person uniformed his/her individual ranks; additionally each of them attained pay increase suitable to his/her rank.  The Military ranking system was introduced in order to provide task and duty to the holder of each rank that means each of the ranks listed above are tasked to a particular duty different than the other one depending qualification, number of years of military services and the training type provided.  The same is also determines the wages and the allowance of each rank.

It also provides a hierarchy system or in other words, the relationship between the various ranks. A military force without ranking system is just like a militia. In the case of Somaliland, even though we declared our independence 22 years ago, however, only the current government, which is only three years in office, have introduced the ranking for all forces. The forces are the military, the police, the navy, the jail police and the immigration.  The government has successfully achieved most of the works put forward to be implemented as this because wise for the top leadership of the government.  Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others] while others define leadership as “organizing a group of people to achieve a common. Studies of leadership have produced theories involving traits, situational interaction, function, behaviour, power, vision, value, charisma and intelligence, among others. New methods and measurements were developed after these influential reviews that would ultimately re-establish the trait theory as a viable approach to the study of leadership. For example, improvements in researchers’ use of the round robin research design methodology allowed researchers to see that individuals can and do emerge as leaders across a variety of situations and tasks. .

12.  Hargiesa airport which was opened by the duke of Gloucester in 1957 during the colonial period, but the Airport was expanded by the previous regime of Siyad Barre in 1973 and 1980 to cater smaller size aircrafts operating local flights and also the ex-south Yemen (Aden). The airport was severely damaged during the liberation struggle with previous regime of Siyad Barre. From the independence time of Somali-land, little improvement was done earlier than the current government leading by President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo. The airport was serving approximately 4,000 passengers monthly prior the new facilities was completed, which was coming from Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and the Middle East. Subsequent receiving funds from Kuwait, the contract for the new runway was awarded to China Hino group, which have a record of 21 years’ experience after successful bidding in the amount of US $ of 4,436,000 to extend the terminal up to 2.4 kilometre and  later further runway extension was made which the runway close to 4 kilometre.

Another contract in the amount of US $ 800,000 was awarded with another a prominent local construction firm Dareel following successful bidding to refurbish, renovate and build extra facilities necessary for the terminal. The same includes enlarged modernizing arrival and departure lounges, as well installing five new wind turbines wind data monitoring station will also assist in powering the airport. The extended terminal carried out by a qualified and experienced craftsmen, that ensured the quality of finished products and the same has exceptionally pleased by most of true somalilanders in view of the airport new structure and re-arrangement, as this the gate way of Somali-land and the newly airport. On January 09, 2015, the minster has laid down the foundation stone of hanger to cater the airport fire fighting truck which its amount of contract estimated US $ 100,000 awarded to Dareel firm. The progress attained by this minster in his ministry four years in office exceeds any limitation one can imagine in his mind. Fire fighting trucks equipped with fire engines and well trained fire fighting personnel. Fire engines are amazing pieces of equipment that allow fire-fighters to perform their jobs and get to fire scenes quickly. The important thing to know about a fire engine is that it is a combination of a personnel carrier, tool box and water tanker. All three components are essential to fighting fire. In addition to the above runway fence and night flight, airport security demonstration faculties are also added to the airport standards and the combinations of all facilities soured the airport meeting both IATA and (ICAO) standards. There are two ways of categorising airports and one of them is the size of the aircraft the airport is design to handle the other way of categorizing an airport is to determine how easy or difficult the airport is to fly into and out of. The table below summarizes all this information.


 S/N Airport operating aircrafts   Scale category  
  A310 A380 (highest airport standard  10 (*HRG)
  A310 A380 (highest airport standard   9 (* HRG)
  A330-300, A340-200/300, A340-500/600   8
  A340-200/300, A340-500/600   8
  A310, A318, A319, A320, A321200   7
  B737-400 body & equivalent aircrafts    7

Note: * HRG means. Upon finishing the extended runway and the hanger for the fire fighting trucks, this airport will be equivalent to either scale 9 0r 10 of the airport standards listed in the above. Upon finishing the extended runway and the hanger for the fire fighting trucks, this airport will be equivalent to either scale 9 0r 10 of the airport standards listed in the above. In Today’s world coping with Job pressure is really tough. Anyone who’s held down a full-time job knows that an average work day is not always long enough to get everything you need to do. However, your productivity can be greatly improved by adopting habits designed to make you work more efficiently.  The standard of airports sources the image of the country being the gate way entrances of the country. Upon getting from the airport, the first structure building one can see is the ministry of aviation building which is also captures the attention of the arrived passengers.  It is like killing one stone for two birds.

13. The government of Somaliland has made tremendous progress in all sectors of life including improving nation economy growth. Somaliland does not get international investment due to its unrecognized diplomatic status; in addition, Somaliland does not have access to the World Bank and IMF. However, the government has had major role in reshaping Somaliland budget and tax collection system. The government led by H.E. President Ahmed Siilaanyo has accelerated tax collections which contributed in the budget increase. The government availed tax collection offices at every corner in the country including public places and roadsides. The last year budget of the former administration under Dahir Riyaale leadership was US $ 47 million and the budget of the fiscal year 2015 is almost 400 % to that of the former administration (47 million against 182 at present). This is not included the budgets of the local governments. The figures of budget detailed in the above table are real success and milestone achievement. Success is something that all of us wish to attain. But if it were so easy, everyone who wanted it would have it – it is relative elusiveness is what makes it special. It’s exclusive to a handful of people who did extraordinary things in their lives to get them to where they are today. The central government budgets from 2009 and until current year 2015 are listed in the following table


 Budget year Budget forecasted in  US $ Budget attained
2009 to 1210 47.00 47.00
1210  – 1211 88.00 83.00
1211 – 1212 108.00 108.00
1212- 1213 126.00 126.00
1213- 1214 152.00 152.00
1214- 1215 182.00 TBA

14. Somali-land which was almost politically isolated from the international community at present respected and considered as a potential partner for all issues related in the region and established a link to most of the influential powers for the international community. Participating February 2012 London conference attended by almost 60 countries was historic triumph. In the conference, the international had recognized as a legitimate representative of Somaliland. This government has put into end the barrier between Somali-land and the international community as a result of effective foreign policy, which has already produced its benefits.  President meeting with the British prime minster in down street No. 10 and conferencing with Ex Turkish prime minister was historic events that generated Somali-land to marked and recognized in world international affairs.  Somali-land president has visited a number of friendly countries such as UK, USA, UAE, Turkey, Kuwait, Ethiopia and south Sudan in order to boost the bilateral cooperation between Somali-land and these countries.

  1.  The government has distributed agricultural tracks to the poor farmers, which is considered as a direct investment for the national economy and for the society as well. Man’s survival, from the time of Adam and Eve until the invention of agriculture, must have been precarious because of his inability to ensure his food supply. The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life. The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. Eating is an agricultural act.” Agriculture engenders good sense, and good sense of an excellent kind. Agriculture for an honourable and high minded man is the best of all occupations or arts by which men procure the means of living. Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness. Agriculture is the noblest of all alchemy; for it turns earth, and even manure, into gold, conferring upon its cultivator the additional reward of health. Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own.

16. The current government has up-graded Berbera port facilitates in which no substantial growth has been made in the past. Modern machinery has been added to the facility by the current government in order to meet the growing economy. Modernising our ports is very essential to compete with other ports in the region. Shipping ports must upgrade to meet growth demand. Shipping ports across the Middle East must be upgraded and increase their productivity to meet future growth in maritime trade, experts say. With container traffic on the rise, local ports will have to invest heavily in their infrastructure. Big vessels were able to feed the ports of the red sea. As the population increased and they have been able to get more disposable income this led to a bigger demand, and that generated the influx of more cargo coming through. Shipping industry carries about 90 per cent of global trade and therefore must be upgraded to meet these challenges. An investment is done in key cranes and equipment and other port facilities. The port management engaged to expedite work on a major project to improve operational efficiency of the port system to make it a regional entrepot in the near future. entrepot is the place where goods are stored or deposited and from which they are distributed.

17. This government has built tens of multi-storey building to replace the aging offices build during British colonial administration before 1960.The previous governments use to accommodate the offices build by British colonial administration before 1960. However, within five years time, this government build towers to almost every ministry. These offices meet to the level of international buildings with regard offices building. The standard and quality of our offices has an impact with the quality of work. Had you been accommodated good offices, this will encourages better working standard which increase productivity.

18. The government has distributed tens of agricultural tractors which is indirect investment for national economy. The Agricultural considered a significant milestone that launched civilization. Discover how agriculture benefits society and what makes agriculture such a breakthrough by exploring its impact on our lives. Examining how agriculture benefits society will allow us to better appreciate why agriculture is regarded as a cultural breakthrough. Fundamentally, agriculture ensured the availability and predictability of food. Humanity learned the value of self-sufficiency. No longer at the mercy of nature’s randomness, our ancestors realized that they had the knowledge and skill to control their own food supply.

The formation of statehood is also one of the advancements brought about by the agricultural revolution. They produce food, jobs, and a variety of less quantifiable benefits many. Some benefits of urban agriculture and given some examples of these benefits and real cities around the country. Helps bring families and communities together by working toward a common goal that will be beneficial for all. Gives direct links to food production, Creates better living environment by greening up the city and making it more productive. Makes people stronger by putting their food security into their own hands, making them more  independent and empowered, Teaches people life skills such as how to be more self sufficient, creates jobs, income, and food, Helps combat hunger. Educate people, who have been increasingly removed from food production, to participate in, and respect, its generation, increases the amount of food grown and bought locally, creates jobs and income from otherwise completely unproductive space, can be beneficial to people of any income, creates a better local economy that does not rely on food from far away, makes use of valuable resources.

19.The presidential palace has been expanded in order accommodate the present circumstance, as a result of growing diplomatic influence as well as the need establishing continuous contacts with Somaliland society. What the people are within, the buildings express without. Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design. Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.

20. On the subject of the democratization process, this government has conducted free and fair elections, which facilitated to all citizens an opportunity contesting in a fair manner election. This strengths public trust. Cherishing is political participation. This election process has resulted two parties, Kulmiya and Ucid to remain and Wadani to emerge as a new party. The old party Udub was not take part for the election process due their political internal difference. After the election has successfully rolled up, the same has received a warm welcome and track recording success.

21. On the subject of youth participation for Somali-land shaping for national development, these days, the commonly accepted view on the topic youth and political participation has moved beyond the theory illustrates young people as unsympathetic and uninterested in politics. On the contrary, it is widely acknowledged that they are very political, being even more active than a majority of adults. Young people’s political engagement is mainly confined to new forms of participation, as traditional politics feels unrepresentative and unable to address the concerns associated with contemporary youth culture. It is wonderful that youth’s manifold contributions to their families, communities, societies, and the public are being finally acknowledged. Young people in the Somali-land are more inclined than the rest of the population to sign petitions, display a badge or sticker, participate in demonstrations, and express their political views in online forums. Transformation, not decline is what best depicts youth political participation. Feeling excluded from mainstream forms of influencing political decision-making, young people are in alternative modes of participation.

They try to influence political decision-makers and policies through alternative channels of action, some of which are considered excessive or even on the margins of democratic means. Youth’s new forms of participation are: Youth engagement is a central principal of youth development .Youth participation in leadership has dramatically broadened since the present government holding in office. . This new policy had led many Somali-land youth loses patriotism. In reality, that occurrence has captured the hearts and minds of any true citizen and we are certain that many more like this will follow suit soon or later long taken the new strategy adapted by the current government, which have already gained successive achievement in various domains for human development. The present government has implemented new policy, which enabled the youth to participate and involve date to – date matters of the country. This is considered a positive step encouraging the youth for the national issues of the country. Since this government has come to office, a big number of youths have been appointed in various government ministries.

  1.  This government has encouraged our industries, as they put in practice a new policy that protects our industries. Tax is exampled for the spares of our industries.  Industry will naturally play a leading role in the Technology Development. Industrialization sources technology transfer and offer opportunities for personnel exchanges an excellent way to supplement your existing staff. Often, highly focused technical assistance can be provided to solve a specific problem allowing your company to move faster than if using in-house resources only. Industry is facing more competition than ever before and the need to speed time to market and cut costs has never been greater, this government has came up with a new policy that encourages our industry.

23. This government has adapted new policy in which the regional governors may not be necessarily originated from the region, which they are signed to them. This is a positive step to develop and expand the administration beyond clan mentality. The sublimit of administration consists in knowing the proper degree of power that should be exerted on different occasions. An efficient and a successful administration manifest itself equally in small as in great matters. This Administration has declared unconditional war on how to improve administrations in all walks of life.

24. This government has influenced the international community aid increase to Somali-land, as number countries like Britain, Norway, Denmark and Switzerland jointly funds Somaliland development projects.  Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life. The world being a global village, assisting each other is the bridge that nations other.

25. The government has influenced many international multimillion companies investing Somali-land. The last one is Genel energy, which has already begun their oil exploration process, which will generate work opportunities to many citizens. Jack resource earlier has started seismic surveys of its blocks. Coca-cola bottling multimillion international Companies has earlier opened their plant in Hargeisa, which is fully operational. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

26. The government has introduced an effective five year business plans, which enables them monitoring their progress and yearly business plans also to guide them to carry forward for the domains, yet to be completed for the years to come. Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. Good planning is important. I’ve also regarded a sense of humour as one of the most important things on a big expedition. When you’re in a difficult or dangerous situation, or when you’re depressed about the chances of success, someone who can make you laugh eases the tension. Planning is bringing the future into the present so that. Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

27. This government has exercised a transparency approach, which almost bring into end the corruption practice. One thousand years ago, an Islamic scholar said that, there is no country without security. No security without finance. No finance without proper management.

28. The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability. A good cult delivers on its promises. A good cult nourishes the needs of its members, has transparency and integrity, and creates provisions for challenging its leadership openly. A good cult expands the freedoms and well-being of its members rather than limits them. Transparency, honesty, kindness, good stewardship, even humour, works in businesses at all times.

  1.  The government has influenced many potential Ex SSC members to join the government, which has resulted successful conclusions. The government new policy has attracted and influenced many khaatumo army men to join Somali-land national army, which is already captured hundred of army men. This new policy facilitated expanding Somaliland administration to most of eastern regions.
  2.  New effective police squads RRU were put on services to tackle emergency circumstance, which are already successful results in view of the regional situation. It is widely regarded that the police in any given society have a difficult job to fulfil. Dealing with criminals and placing them in harm way on a day to day basis is indeed, an admirable calling. Although seen as difficult, there is an underlying sentiment in the general public that the job of law enforcement officers is relatively straightforward. Simply put, their job is to arrest the “bad guys”. This is true to a point, a large part of their job is to arrest these so called “bad guys” however it is not as straightforward and simple as people would believe it to be. Police are faced with tough moral decisions on a day to day basis. They are to decide when and how to act when presented with violations of the law. They are given the use of force as a means of crime prevention but often times the very usage of this force is questioned and sometimes, deemed unnecessary or excessive. They are also faced with the possibility of conflict of interest cases. Moral dilemmas are also a large part of policing. How they are dealt with is ultimately up to the individual officers but the ramifications of their decisions can be extremely damaging to both themselves and the community at large. Police are equipped in many ways to enforce law. They are given weapons that enable them to effectively deal with those they find in violation, specific training as to how they are to carry out their enforcements and the laws themselves, which are guidelines as to how the members of any given society are expected to conduct themselves. Ultimately the burden rests upon the shoulders of the individual officer to use his or her discretion to recognize what constitutes a breach of law and the appropriate response that these actions warrants. law enforcement officials shall at all times fulfil the duty imposed on them by law, by serving the community and by protecting all persons against illegal acts, consistent with the high degree of responsibility. Had we would our effective police in sectors, we will not able building the beautiful towers erected in every region of somaliland.A safe army is better than a safe border

31. The new policy of conducting regular meetings with to Islamic scholars is an initiative widely welcome by the society. Somaliland being conservative Muslim country, our leadership has build a bridge that connects to our Islamic scholars and that is why, Somaliland annually meet our Islamic scholars. Islam appears to me like a perfect work of architecture. All its parts are harmoniously conceived to complement and support each other; nothing is superfluous and nothing lacking; and the result is a structure of absolute balance and solid composure.

32. Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favoured. Gender equality is measured by looking at the representation of men and of women in a range of roles.  A number of international comparative gender equality indices have been prepared and these offer a way to compare Ireland’s achievements with those of other countries.  Each index looks at a distinct list of parameters and the choice of parameters affects the outcome for each country. Gender equality, r equality of the genders, is the view that men and women should receive equal treatment and should not be discriminated against based on gender and should comply with universal declaration of human rights act which seeks to create equality in law and in social situations, such as in democratic activities and securing equal for equal work. Deriving this principle, this government has adapted new policy which is encouraging our female societies that makes an important of our societies and that is why notice many female government top officials like ministries, assistant ministries and other sectors of both civilian, police and others forces.

33. The new policy adapted by the government has influenced many Somali land Diaspora returning home and participate the progress either by economically or by politically. Diasporas and Development: Bridging between Societies and States” a growing recognition by the governments and international community at large of the important, and often underutilized, contribution of diasporas to economic growth, poverty reduction, and trade. And it comes as no surprise given the growing magnitude of international migration, with some countries. Diasporas are viewed as important agents of economic and social development in countries of origin, but governments often lack knowledge or capacity of engaging them effectively at scale. The enabling environment in both countries of origin and destination is essential to maximize the benefits of migration; Strategic partnerships between states, international organizations, civil society and private sector are important to create a framework for Diaspora engagement to facilitate transfer of resources and know-how sharing. Since this government came to office, the role of our Diasporas has been recognized and that is why this annually conducts Diasporas conferences.

34. Privatization: To improve production and performance, this government has encouraged Privatization which involves selling state owned assets to the private sector. The private sector is efficient and dynamic; public sector is costly and slow. Privatization is the process of transferring an enterprise or industry from the public sector to private sector. The public sector is the part of the economic system that is run by government agencies. Privatization may involve either sale of government-held assets or removal of restrictions preventing private individuals and businesses from participating in a given industry. Privatization is an ongoing trend in many parts of the developed and developing world. Proponents of privatization maintain that the competition in the private sector fosters more efficient practices, which eventually yield better service and products, lower prices and less corruption. On the other hand, critics of privatization argue that some services. The more we can get the private sector to run things the better. Public services should be open to a range of providers competing to offer a better service. Of course, there are some areas, like national security services or the judiciary, where this wouldn’t make sense. But everywhere else should be open to real diversity. This is a transformation: it ends the state’s monopoly over public services. Privatization increases performances and productivity whereas state control is contrary.

36. Public Empowerment: This government has empowered the society and that is Somaliland society both locally and overseas engaged to contribute how develop their society while the previous former government were discouraging public empowerment as they use to consider spoiling their images since these governments fail to accomplish anything from their end. Since this government came to office, all of us have roads, schools and health facilities contributed by the public to advance their societies. Empowerment is the process of obtaining basic opportunities for marginalized people, either directly by those people, or through the help of non-marginalized others who share their own access to these opportunities. Empowerment means encouraging, and developing the skills for, self-sufficiency and depend to you. This policy was totally absent in the days of former governments.  Public capital which is tens of millions has been encouraged and as result, the fruits of human empowerment noticeable throughout the country.   Empowerment in business means knowing how to humanize the work environment so management and employees work together to enhance productivity and achieve greater personal and professional success. An empowered company understands and appreciates that the human factor” can add or subtract from the bottom line. Empowerment is a company-wide commitment to respect all employees as intelligent and responsible human beings. The benefits of empowerment are many. They include higher levels of employee satisfaction, a sense of shared purpose, and greater collaboration. The overall result for the organization is to deliver enhanced value to the customer.

37. The presidential tour throughout the country to eyewitness the living conditions of his people. The best resources asset for every country is its people. Usually movable items in our material inventories or capital assets are called movable assets because this is the valuable items of the companies which its inventory value could be worth million of US dollars depending from the size of companies. Therefore, since the company’s personnel are the prime factors that contributed the advancement of their business success, then by default, our people are assets for our country and that is why Somaliland president and his delegation travelled hundreds of kilometres to see the living conditions of his people. In the event anyone stands on the top of the hill, one can view the bottom of the hill. The president standing on the top of the hill, take binocular camera to glimpse the most distant spots of the hill. Equally the president and his delegation vision and mission is to eyewitness the circumstance of his people lived even in the small settlements let alone the regions and distracts. The president and his accompanied delegation have begun their tour from the western regions of the country and it appears the tour extends to the most of eastern regions and districts of Somaliland. President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud is the first president in the history of Somaliland who toured almost the entire country twice in four years People acquire good leaders before they buy into the vision.

38. Progress monitoring: There are tens of projects undergoing in various regions and monitoring these projects is essential to lead successful completion and that is why quite we notice government officials visiting various regions in an effort of witness the work undergoing in the respected regions. Employee monitoring is the act of monitoring employee activity. Organizations engage in employee monitoring to track performances. Monitoring is to some extent a routine part of the employer/ employee relationship. Most employers make some checks on the quantity and quality of work produced by their staff, and employees will generally expect this. Some employers carry out monitoring to safeguard workers as well as to protect their own interests or those of their customers. For example, monitoring may help ensure that workers in hazardous jobs aren’t at risk from unsafe working practices, or in some financial services,

Every true citizen from Somaliland admits the popularity of this government in view of the progress in place throughout the country.  To win the people, always cook them some savoury that pleases them. This government has won the hearts and minds of the people. This government has restored the hope of Somaliland people which was disappointed by the former governments. The two former administrations use to divide our people into tribal groups, so that, they could benefit their difference. They use to employ the old colonial policy which was dividing and rule let alone, let alone doing any observable progress.

There is moral responsibility for every true citizen to admit and appreciate had he notice progress in place in his country which is an indication of characteristics of patriotism. Patriotism is feel affection for of the person for one’s own country. It is the feeling that is present in us by birth. Patriotism means build your nation a deep pillar. Patriotism means supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it. It is no doubt Somaliland present government has accomplished more than the combination all successive governments. Patriotism is one of the many characteristics that make Somaliland great. Citizens of this nation show their patriotism in many. It is no doubt Somaliland present government has accomplished more than the combination all successive governments. Patriotism is one of the many characteristics that make Somaliland great. True citizens free him the tribal prisoner. There are few elements of our society who feel that progress is only possible in the event someone close to them.  Good ideas are the backbone of good government and history determined the difference between the current government and the former government.  Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.  Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. This government fruitful roadmap has made them possible to accomplish scores of progress in all essential human development and the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.. the will power exercised by this government sourced progress that we never experienced in the past. Some people evaluate progress in relation to their tribal mentality while in reality progress is measured by the number of achievements and goals accomplished by the government in its term of office

39. Before this government came to office, Somaliland various forces were like militia since they were short for the ranks which differentiate soldiers from officers. However, this government decorated its national security departments including army forces, police and jails authority with ranks. Every officer will get paid according per his/her security rank. The Armed Forces has lion’s share in the budget due to volatility in the region.


40.Salary arrears: This government has settled salary for government personnel for four month period and three months for our army forces which perhaps exceeded over 30,000 in total, both the civilians and the army and a loan left behind by the former government estimated 53 million dollars was settled by current government.

41. Periodical president tour this government came, the president accompanied by heavily delegation toured three times throughout the country to eyewitness the living conditions for the people live the visited places and extend further development assistance and the latest one presently ongoing. This year, the government has allocated twelve (12) million dollars only for the two eastern regions namely Sool and sannag.

42. Livestock: Economically speaking, they pursue a traditional livelihood system based on nomadic pastoral. Livestock production makes up the backbone of Somaliland’s economy, accounting for about 65 per cent of its economy. Somaliland’s economy is also heavily dependent on remittances from the Diaspora. Estimated to reach US$500 million per year, and remittances constitute the largest single source of hard currency entering Somaliland. Remittances actually bring more currency to Somaliland than livestock export and international assistance combined. Somaliland can be taken as a role model for other African post-conflict entities and states in terms of building a peaceful and stable system making use of local resources. Indeed peace in Somaliland was entirely brokered by the initiative and resources of its people.

43. Since this government came to office, the volume of Somaliland’s trade has increased. The service sector, including airline business, telecommunications and financial transfer companies, experienced a sudden increase. Industrialization is at its embryonic stage in Somaliland even though this period has witnessed the proliferation of light industries such as food-processing and fish canning plants, and bottled-water factories. Shopping centres with multi-storey buildings erected throughout the country that generated thousands of jobs for employment market. This trade increase has sourced increasing national revenue which is the master of development in Somaliland.

Somaliland being surrendered by countries in which hostilities made set back to their existence and barred them the essential progress required by their people, our house of elders has taken a leading role of maintaining peace and stability in Somaliland and they the pillars for the peace and stability that we are enjoying at present which make us different than many countries in the region. According the constitution, our house of elders  (Guurti)  have special responsibility for passing laws relating to religion, traditions (culture) and security”, in addition to reviewing legislation passed by the house of representatives.  They have wide experiences needed in the future of Somaliland to resolve disputes that may arise within our society.

Disputing parties would bring their concerns to the elders, and the proceedings would continue until a resolution was achieved. The house a policy of establishing committees which is tasked collecting and collating views of stakeholders before any announcing any mediation outcome and that is what made possible to resolve many crucial issues that cause serious standoff members of our society or clans as their role is traditional forum for elders for mediation. Somaliland emerged as a country managed to display an enviable measure of peace and stability which paved the path for reconstruction of an entity mainly employing local resources. Somaliland has thus been depicted as ‘an oasis of stability in an otherwise chaotic Somali regional environment. Had international community extends reasonable assistance similar or even little less to that in which they contributes to brother country Somalia, certainly situation will be advanced than at present .In conclusion, although there may possibly other achievements, which I am not aware, however, above are the major achievements observed by my-self as well as by the public. Therefore taken into account, the level and the graph of their achievement, it is obvious that, this administration will double their achievements for the extended period that will end by April 2017. Good coach in leadership has developed valuable team that made to accomplish the list of the developments listed in the above. In conclusion the continuity of this policy will certainly create new young generations that will lead Somali-land in the future. This government has attained successive achievement which is milestone records in five years time. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.  Opportunities don’t happen, you create them. Knowledge is being aware of what you can do. Wisdom knows when not to do. If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of you. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done. Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day. This bottom is, the achievement attained by this government in its five year in office cannot be estimated in terms of value. Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Ismail Lugweyne


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