Greek referendum: Greeks proposals put to the country by its creditors, the ECB, EU and IMF.

 The leftist Syriza government rejected these proposals and is seeking a ‘no’ vote. Proponents of a ‘yes’ vote say this will keep Greece in the eurozone

Yes: 38.64%

No: 61.36%

With 65.45% of votes reported

Referendum results in full. Voters were asked: ‘whether to accept the outline of the agreement submitted by the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund at the Eurogroup of 25/06/15’. (That is, do you accept the proposals of Greece’s creditors, which the government has rejected?)

National results

With 65.45% of votes reported
Yes / Accepted 38.64%
Votes 1,355,092
No / Not accepted 61.36%
Votes 2,151,616
1050510% point difference


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