Dhuusamarreeb and Adado form 2 state structures, elect 2 presidents


In Parallel conferences in the central regions’ towns of Adado and Dhusmarreeb, two different state structures were formed in the past three days, and two presidents were, respectively,  elected.

Cabdikariin-Xuseen-Guuleed1-300x199The Adado conference is supported by the federal government of Mogadishu, the Dhuusamarreeb one by Ahl sunnah wal Jamaa’a which ran afoul with Mogadishu.

A former minister of internal affairs in the Federal government of Somalia Mr. Abdikarim Hussein Guleid has today been elected President of the upcoming state of Galmudug.

Guleid was elected in a closely contested elections in held in Adado today beating close to 10 other contestants. In the first round of voting, he garnered 29 while he managed 42 in the second round.

Guleid enjoys closer relations with the President of the Federal Government Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

The group elected Mohamed Shakir who was its organizing secretary as its president two days ago. He beat his rivals who were the internal affairs minister of Himan and Heeb as well as the group’s spokesman. ahlusunnaToday, the group is  holding elections for the position of the group’s vice president in Dhuusamareeb.

Ahl sunnah is in the process of coming up with its version of the state that was being formed in Adado and the elections will mark the final nail in the coffin of the standoff between the group and the federal government.


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