Rayaleh, Former Somaliland President shows disdain for ministerial posts (Video)


The former President of the Republic of Somaliland, Dahir Rayaleh (Riyale) Kahin returning to the country on Thursday showed unbridled despisal for ministerial posts, in general, and that accepted and held by the incumbent ROS interior Minister, in particular.

vlcsnap-2015-06-12-18h31m51s680The former president recalling his former days of glory and defeat as leader of the now defunct UDUB political party accused Ali Mohamed Waran’adde, the current Somaliland Minister for Interior, of abandoning UDUB leadership for a ministerial post.

Mr. Rayaleh lamented that he handed over the reins to a man whose ambition was not the presidency and for turning away, on the same move, others who had the necessary requisites – his Vice president, Jamal Ali Hussein and Abdirashid, as he put it.

“I didn’t know that Ali Waran’adde,” Rayaleh said “would leave UDUB on the lurch to descend to a ministerial position and lower”.

Mr. Rayaleh’s words showed that he viewed ministerial posts – which he never held before his ascendance to the highest post in Somaliland in 2003 – as an abominable responsibility that was below the station of former UDUB officers, conveniently forgetting that his UDUB government had ministers, too, and that they were alive to hear what he thought of their erstwhile positions and responsibilities.

The former President, observers note, also, skipped to mention that UDUB was a sinking ship that he himself marooned and deserted  for more amenable climes in Europe where he could spend ill-hoarded spoils in ‘peace’.

Political observers in Somaliland and the world expected the former president to slip back to a Somaliland he no longer regards as home to earn back its respect by acting the role of an elder, a seasoned statesman and an able mediator in the current presidential term extension impasse.

Instead, the former president, threw bunches left and right blaming everybody – the Guurti,the parties, President Siilaanyo, NEC, the media, etc. – in an attempt to whitewash his motives and decisions in the term extensions he was given during his tenure as president. Mr. Rayaleh

“Mr. Rayaleh failed to play the statesman’s role he was expected to play in the current, outstanding issues in Somaliland,” Jamal Ali Hussein, the Presidential candidate for UCID party said.Mr. Jamal later made an about turn to recapitulate his words by calling Rayaleh ‘one of the greatest leaders Africa has seen in this century’ after he was apprised of an apology Rayaleh gave him on denying him UDUB leadership some five years back.

Mr. Rayaleh, certainly, returns in a fighting mood but with whom or on what platform is not yet clear belying his opening words upon arrival at Egal International Airport that ‘he wished to set an example that one can hold a presidency and not continue embroiled in political issues’.

That Mr Rayaleh, however,  opens a Pandora’s box that does not augur well for him is quite obvious, observers say.

Find the full EIA press briefing below:



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