National Planning, SDF on Enhancing State-Citizen Relations


DSC03255QQThe Ministry of National Planning and Development held a one day briefing conference under the theme of enhancing citizens awareness and state –citizens relation at the Mansoor hotel, Hargeisa.

The briefing conference aimed to raise citizens awareness on the workings and achievements of both the Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) since it was first launched to date and the current government is commitment to achieve rapid economic development and growth.

State-Citizen communication is one of the cross cutting issues in the Somaliland Special arrangement (SSA), to integrate into the planning and implementation across all state and peace building activities. Communications activities meant to create interactions between citizens and state about government priorities, activities and expenditure and through such awareness medium which is meant to promote transparency and accountability.

Dr. Sacad Ali Shire, the Somaliland Minister of National planning and Development speaking at the venue began by elaborating on the Ministry of National Planning and Development (MoNPD) in fulfilling its mandate through a five year (2012-2016) National Development Plan (NDP) for Somaliland, that focuses on sustainable development and poverty reduction.

DSC03260qq“Somaliland’s National Development Plan (NDP) provides a medium term framework for achieving the country’s long term development aspirations as embodied in Somaliland Vision 2030, and the Millennium Development Goals”, he added.

Dr. Sacad added, “The Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) is a 4 year fund designed to support the Government of Somaliland (GoSL) in filling critical gaps that are fully aligned to the National Development Plan (NDP).

The SDF is currently funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and the Governments of Norway and the Netherlands.

The plan is made up of five main pillars:

  1. Economic
  2. Infra-structure
  3. Governance
  4. Social
  5. Environmental

The Minister of State for finance Hon Osman Saradid Adani gave an in-depth briefing on how the current government had initiated development projects funded by funds from the central coffers in which he stated, “The government of Somaliland has through state funds initiated numerous development projects among them the funding of the Burao –Erigavo road and the awarding of ranks in the various branches of the armed forces and that the 10% of the overall budget has being allocated to development projects.

DSC03263mmHon Adani further stated, “Among the proposed development projects we plan to initiate this year from funds availed from the central go towards the construction of the Burao -Erigavo road and other roads in the country, the construction of the Berbera library and for the construction of government buildings.

Mr. Mubarik Abdullah briefed citizens on the workings of the Somaliland special agreement in which he stated , “The international community’s endorsement of the SSA represents an acknowledgement by the international community that Somaliland’s impressive achievements in peace, security and democratization require developmental support that is specifically tailored to our priorities and governmental capacities, and which is owned by our people. To ensure ownership, the SSA puts in place mechanisms that guarantee that decisions over allocation of development assistance to Somaliland are alone made by the Somaliland government and its people, in partnership with the international community.

For that reason, the SSA promotes the Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) established by the Danish and UK governments in 2012 as a means to ensure mutual accountability while establishing mechanisms for the Somaliland government to better lead their development process. The SDF is now fully operational, and as the preferred funding mechanism, Somaliland encourages donors to join and scale up their funding of the SDF.

Through nearly twenty four years of state building, Somaliland has laid the foundation for future transformative economic growth. The country is stable and peaceful; our children receive free primary education; we are expanding medical services and water distribution in urban and rural areas; and our citizens participate in regular democratic elections. Thanks to more stringent public financial management, increased tax revenue and more safeguards against corruption, Somaliland’s 2014 budget is the largest and most balanced in its history. The Somaliland government has therefore fostered an environment where aid can make a great impact, and in which our government shares primary responsibility over development activities.

Mr. Najah Mahmoud Aden from the SDF secretariat elaborated on the current ongoing projects being implement by the Somaliland Dvelopment Fund, “The SDF Joint Steering Committee has approved of funding for the following project and is currently in the process implementing them:


No Project Name  Project Holder  Funding 
14-01-MoA Marodijeh Upper Catchment Soil and Water Conservation Ministry of Agriculture  2,056,896
14-01-MoL Livestock Holding Ground (LHG) Project Ministry of Livestock  4,568,828
14-01-MoERD Enhanced Capacity Development for MoERD through promotion of Sustainable Rangeland Resources Management and Reforestation Ministry of Environment and Rural Development  2,316,000
14-01-HWA Construction of Hora Hadley Wellfield & Ayaha 1&2 Settlement Water Supply System Hargeisa Water Agency 2,195,000
14-01-MoWR Water Resources Development Somaliland 2014-2015 Ministry of Water Resources 4,540,000
14-01-RDA Lafaruk – Berbera – Sheikh Rehabilitation Project Roads Development Agency 4,000,000
14-02-RDA Kalabayd – Dilla Road Rehabilitation Roads Development Agency 2,500,000
14-02-MoNPD Communications Hub Project: Increased Citizen Awareness of Government Development Priorities, Activities and Expenditure Ministry of National Planning and Development 1,677,250



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