ISIL claims massacre of Ethiopian Christians in Libya


Video released online shows one group of captives being shot and another group being beheaded on a beach.Video released online shows a group of about 12 men being beheaded, and another group of 16 men shot to death [AP]

A new video from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) purportedly shows the group killing captured Ethiopian Christians in Libya.

The 29-minute video released online on Sunday shows two groups of dark-skinned captives. It says one group is held by an ISIL affiliate in eastern Libya and the other by an affiliate in the south.

A masked fighter delivers a long statement before the video switches between footage of the captives in the south being shot to death and the captives in the east being beheaded on a beach.

The footage released online shows one group of about 12 men being beheaded by armed men on a beach and another group of at least 16 being shot in the head in a desert area.

It was not immediately clear who the captives were.

The video bore the official logo of the ISIL media arm Al-Furqan and resembled previous videos released by the group.

A text on the screen identifies the men as “followers of the cross from the enemy Ethiopian Church”.

Al Jazeera


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