Energy Minister, Serving Above and Beyond the Call of Duty


As minister with the Energy and Minerals portfolio Eng Hussein Abdi Duale is Credited in attracting and Contracting foreiign firms of international repute to prospect in SomalilandA Man that his country and the people means everything to him, and a Minister, from the day he set foot in to the ministry, and entered that hallow empty building, put his mind on the development of the ministry, so it can function properly in line with the great responsibility that it carries for this country.

Such as in case of the developing countries in the region, always their natural sources holds the key to revival and prosperity, often the earth wealth was the source of happiness and smile to those countries, in an area marked for the rest of the world as an area of war, poverty and lack of resources.

When you come to a Ministry, the address written on the front door is the Ministry of Energy Mines and Water, and you can’t find in its archives or offices, any paper, research or report concerns minerals and ground wealth, not to mention the geology of the country, types of precious metals located, the economic mineral ores, or an initial report on the petroleum potential and the possible ratios, regardless of reports of projects have been or are in effect which concerns water resources, or other resources mentioned, when your eyes fall on this scene, the first thing that comes to the mind of an ordinary person is that this ministry is doomed, and eventually will leave you with a broken heart and frustrated determination, but not him ” the minister”… because he is not your typical ordinary man, he is a man of miracles, the word impossible doesn’t exist in his dictionary, he sees the word impossible something we create to justify our failures.

Design of the new ultra modern Ministry of Energy Headquarters in Hargeisa Somaliland
Design of the new ultra modern Ministry of Energy Headquarters in Hargeisa Somaliland


Great men differ from others in their way of thinking, and by their faith in doing the impossible, in a time everything seems to work against you and your will.

HE the Minister of Energy and Minerals, Eng. Hussein Abdi Duala showed the people that the Renaissance and progress depends on our given effort, and the extent of our faith to achieve our national goals and achieve the impossible, with much obstacles against him, and while he was working against the current of thinking in our country, that stream which is always marked on Negativity, fear of the unknown, ignorance of the facts, tribal issues, lack of faith in ourselves as a nation and as individuals, down hopes, lack of ambitions and ignorance that blind our country and the people together, with the presence of all these disincentives and obstacles, his excellency got the ministry from perigee of neglect to the most expensive ministry in income, and the highest salary paying ministry in the President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Silanyo government, a Work that exhausted time, effort, a sense of responsibility for national service which is entrusted to him, and in response to the call of patriotism emitted from the depths of his soul, he rose to his work and the work of the ministry, till he became an example to look for, and his ministry became a true model of work dedication.

Energy Minister Eng Duale and DNO Chief Bijan Mossavar sign the PSC as president Silanyo COO of DNO and foreign minister Dr Omar witness
Energy Minister Eng Duale and DNO Chief Bijan Mossavar sign the PSC as president Silanyo COO of DNO and foreign minister Dr Omar witness


Under his wise judgment, and through his era in the Ministry of approximately five years, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals currently, formerly the Ministry of Energy Mines and Water, carried out large projects that served the nation, and had its weight in the developmental stage of the country and in the people’s life, I’ll mention here four of those achievements,

Note: it’s what the memory serves me out, and not all: –

– Expansion of the DC and Togdheer water resources and distillation facilities.

– Mineral exploration or mining projects, which is currently under implementation, which is likely to enter the production stage during this year.

– Construction of the ministry building, which will become the ministry’s headquarters and offices, the primary model, shows that it likely to be one of the most advanced geometrically and technically buildings in the country.

– And finally the oil exploration programs in the country, the ministry concluded under his wise leadership four product share agreements “PSA” With four international companies operating in the oil industry, and are registered in the global stock markets such as:- London Stock and Oslo Exchange.

Somaliland Energy Minister Eng Hussein Abdi Duale (L) Leads his staff in cleaning up the Hargeisa Stadium and neighbouring Sinai Estate
Somaliland Energy Minister Eng Hussein Abdi Duale (L) Leads his staff in cleaning up the Hargeisa Stadium and neighbouring Sinai Estate


Agreements of this kind was in the imagination of all, far off considering, given a criteria and standards that make it impossible or nearly impossible agreements, one of these criteria, or the most important of all, is the country’s Political situation in the region and in the eyes of the world community, which is still un recognized country, and for that it’s considered a territory of the Republic of the so-called federal Somalia, making all actual investments from the external outside the scope of thinking, there are other reasons that prevent an external investment, such as the security situation of the region as a whole, and particularly Somalia, where the neighboring Republic of Somalia became a shelter for religious extremist movements, and a source of terrorism in the region, such as the Islamic Youth Movement.

Energy and Minerals Minister Eng Husein Abdi Duale briefs Mining Indaba 2014 on the mining pontentials of Somaliland
Energy and Minerals Minister Eng Husein Abdi Duale briefs Mining Indaba 2014 on the mining pontentials of Somaliland


Regarding to This difficult security situation it become an act of madness to think realistically explore for oil deposits in a national wide scale, and then switch to the production stage, the third of these standards is the lack of knowledge of the community when it comes to international and global oil production agreements, And the ignorance of the general public to the issue of oil, also the researches and processes surrounding the process of exploration and extraction of oil deposits, we are talking about a community which mostly doesn’t read or write, let alone have a knowledge of the regional geology, and methods of seismic and gravity, all these difficulties against him, Eng. Hussein Abdi managed to conclude these Historical agreements, in which the interests of the nation and citizens lies, and the development of the country by exploiting the wealth buried in this land.

And in the conclusion, I send my full thanks and appreciation, and my sincere admiration and applause to the Minister, and ask God to make him always an asset to the nation.


Mustafa Osman Adam Faraid1Mustafa Osman Adam Faraid1Mustafa Osman Adam “Faraid”Department of Geology
International University of Africa – Sudan.


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