Somaliland: A soft-skinned, Irritable opposition flail out at a majority electorate


The Somaliland opposition never looks before it leaps – or at least the people they hire to defend it.

To be fair, though, UCID is on a much higher nationalism pedestal though (with the exception of A. G. whose mental state cannot be truly attested to – at any time). The bottom, the lowest on the scale of nationalism is being, right contested, by WADDANI and the Madasha with the former appearing to be using underhanded and questionable tactics over the other to emerge the rightful occupier.

If nothing else Waddani, the owner of the majority of websites that have mushroomed of recent, should have conceded the point that the ruling party of Somaliland was The Ruling Party because it has won the hearts and imagination of the majority of the electorate, and it has made its word during the campaigns true.

New PictureI am one of the constituents who voted Kulmiye to power, and I am ready to do so again – and again. Is that a crime?

Waddani and its clannish scribblers cannot re-write history simply because they say so. Nor can they win our votes by bad-mouthing better Somalilanders and, by extrapolation, feebly flailing out at anybody who so much as looks sideways at their constant tomfoolery and farcical suppositions.

Let me pick out one irrefutable example: a person (or persons) calling himself Dirye.

As recently as 16 March 2015, he sent out a venomous piece of writing he called: “Hirsi’s Hired Guns of Writers Scapegoating the National Opposition Parties” ( Copied as he wrote it misspelling and all!)

In it he accused an honorable minister, whom he hasn’t given any benefit of the doubt, of hiring writers. The question: Can’t anybody say his piece without being paid for it? If so, who is paying him himself?

Le bombardier

Mr. Dirye (this is how he writes his third name) also accuses people of bombarding the Somaliland media with articles.

I surfed through only three English websites: Somalilandpress, Somalilandmonitor & Somalilandsun. Guess what I found out?

I found 55 postings of his on Somalilandpress, 21 on Somalilandmonitor and 33 on Somalilandsun. Some are of the same content, but the number – in whichever way one looks at it – is proliferate at any count. Again, the question is ‘who is bombarding who – what?’ – And the man cannot accommodate a simple difference of opinion!

The man comes into life  – to be exact – on 22 March 2012, beginning this string of ‘articles’ on one he called “Garadag’s Set Of Laws Are For All”.

Going through the ‘articles’ one would not fail to notice that:

  1. He has a bone to pick with a place called Garadag. He comes back to the name again and again, and one can find one form or another of the allusion in almost all of the content this gentleman denudes the Internet with – even in this last one (using insulting, abominable language!): “F**king Area vs Gar-adag aka Sodom Gomorrah, we’ve seen personal sanctions against individuals for the first time in our country…”

On an equal bar, he places people he calls “Agabarians” (coming from Agabar).

  1. He is against the peace, stability, democratization, unity, co-existence of Somaliland and its people by constantly trying to ferment/stir animosities among the country’s ethnic groups. He wants to see Somaliland fragmented and broken into pieces by misinforming the Somaliland Diaspora in pieces such as “Awdalians Rescinded Somaliland; Declared Self-Rule Following Marginalization”. In another “May 18; Fateful Day of Remembrance But Is It A Reversible Decision?” the man questions the very existence, sovereignty and vision of independence that the Republic of Somaliland rests on. In the latter, he buries true Somalilanders such as Hassan Isse Jama not six bit sixty feet under by intimating that the decision they helped reach in 1991 was a mistake, echoing the philosophies of Somaliland’s first President who turned traitor when he was defeated by Mohamed Ibrahim Egal in 1993 for the presidency.
  2. The man is so bent against the elected President, his administration, his family and clan on whom he practices his feeble pummeling on 99% of his ‘articles’ – one way or the other, from one angle or another.
  3. The man is obsessed with a narcissist view of himself and the people he misrepresents by twisting history to fit his objectives – and, perhaps, to drum up support for his follies. In one of the articles called “Will London Talks dismantle Somaliland Stability?”, the man attempts to rewrite history by beginning it with: “Since AbdirahmanTuur created Somaliland, a nation without recognition under duress, he made a brick without straw. Somaliland born out of armed bloody…”
  4. The man has Somalia in the heart as he often confuses (or maybe not) Somaliland with Somalia as in one article he posted on The Jerusalem Post (along with the Somaliland English websites) that he called “Somaliland and Israel”. As soon as he starts it, he replaces Somaliland with Somalia. It becomes clear that the man is yearning for Mogadishu (perhaps being of there) and has no love lost for a place called the Republic of Somaliland.
  5. The man sheds crocodile tears for opposition members who either support him on his advocacy for a “No Somaliland” or are being themselves victims of his treacherous misdeeds.

Readers Comment

I leave you with the beginning of few of the topmost comments readers made on some of the man’s pieces that you can access by simply putting his name on the search box on one of the leading Somaliland websites – the Somalilandsun  – one of the websites he so abuses by making them appear as if they condone his anti-Somaliland sentiments.

Here is a sample, copied as found:

  1. Somaliland and Israel

(Comments): I don’t know why this article is titled “Somaliland” and Israel when the its author is talking about Somalia and Israel and pleading with the Somali president to visit and have a better relationship with Israel.

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Mr. Dirye.. Somaliland is First Muslim country with Islamic value that has to be respected. If you don’t like it.. Then either educate yourself or move to Amerika “the land of the free” Thank you, Abd …

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This writer dude Dirye always engages in baseless fabricated silly stories that because of the foolish nature of his stories, the best way is to just ignore them. Cheers. …

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… Dirye is already known for his low level attacks against the GOSL leadership which has no real beef value. cheers. …

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Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye is a Somalia and sometimes punkland Activist and Political Commentator, that what it should say slandsun has to take some sort of responsibility im actually starting to think the

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Shame itself is ashamed what this uninformed idiotDirye tried to write here. He is as naive as Irro to believe that a sitting government will instigate violence. Why would they do that when Kulmiye knows …

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… National army as ragtag? Author Dirye is bastard ..


By Suleiman Abdurahim,



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