Apple will attempt to own the smartwatch sector with Apple Watch



Apple is hoping to dominate the smartwatch sector with the launch of the Apple Watch, but will consumers be convinced of the necessity of the device? The watch will be Apple’s first major product launch since the iPad in 2010. And it will allow users to check email, pay for goods at retail stores, and monitor personal health information, all from a device worn on their wrist. The pressure is on Apple to prove to consumers that they should spend the money on the luxury fashion piece, which will start at $349 dollars. Lindsey Turrentine, the editor-in-chief at CNET, says Apple’s goal is to convince people that their smartwatch is something they need. (SOUNDBITE) (English) LINDSEY TURRENTINE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AT CNET, SAYING: “The smartwatch category is still very young, there are a lot of people who don’t really understand yet why they might want a smartwatch, Apple is going to tell you what’s so different about this and why you should care, essentially.” A big part of the success of the Apple Watch will likely be its ability to help streamline basic tasks for users, but in the end, it will hinge on whether people feel enthusiastic enough to add another device to their collection. (SOUNDBITE) (English) LINDSEY TURRENTINE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AT CNET, SAYING: “Apple is probably hoping that fashionistas, people who care a lot about the way they look, are going to buy that luxury item and show it off, and really make the rest of the world envious and want to buy that product.” The true test of the Apple Watch will come in April, when it goes on sale to the general public.


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