WADDANi, UCID & Madasha Unveil their animosity towards a stable Somaliland +Videos, Pics


In a meeting the two parties of UCID and Waddani jointly held with the illegal, Mogadishu-allied Consultation Council, today, leaders from the two parties and the so-called Consultation Council bared their animosity and malicious plans against a stable Somaliland.

ciiroIn a meeting such as the one that today brought together Waddani, UCID and Madasha, the people of Somaliland would have welcomed words that defended them especially at a time that Somalia has made its inimical intentions crystal clear. Instead, they completely side with Mogadishu in fighting against Somaliland, its stability, its democracy, its sovereignty and its aspirations.

“If none of us will remain alive after June 27, we should drive the government from office using violence and whatever else necessary,” Ali Gurey, the third Vice Chairman of UCID declared.

Ali Gurey, who revels in being called “The Mujaahid” more than anything else, appears to be the flag-bearer for  war-mongers who obviously wish to reduce Somaliland to rubble so that it can be carved up into little pieces by a weaker Mogadishu envious of the achievements of the Somaliland people since 1991, including peace, stability and tangible development contrasting the mayhem and backwardness that has become a lifetime companion of a Somalia pillaged by political looters.

“The man holding the highest office in Somaliland  (meaning the President) is not the true power,. He is being dictated upon,” Ali Gurey said in a pregnant statement that holds legal ramifications for all around, not knowing that this kind of insult – if not proven in a court of law, can land him behind bars.

The Chairman of Waddani Party, Abdirahman Irro, who, himself over stayed on his present responsibility for over five years, vowed that they will not tolerate an extension made for the government.

Abdirahman Irro happens to be the incumbent Speaker of the House of Representatives and yet the tool so abusively used by outlawed members for their own ends to bring down a government in which he holds one of its highest offices.

“We will not accept an extension of term, and we demand that the elections be held on time,” he said.

The Chairman conveniently forgot  that one of bill that  would have paved the way for elections of parliamentary members has yet to be ratified by his office.

Other speakers at the meeting included Mohamed Hashi and Hassan Guure of the Consultation Council “Madasha” – both of whom had never concealed their blind war mongering and abrasive attitudes that so served Somaliland foes far and wide.

In contrast, Hassan Essa Jama, a former VP of Somaliland and a one-time member of the Madasha so bravely and so patriotically highlighted why Somaliland should stand united against its enemies, and how there was no room for detractors to its charted course of peace, develooment and internationally recognized socerignty.

Related Pictures of Meeting:

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Related Video: Abdirahman Irro.


Related Video: Ali Gurey






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