Samaale, Abib, Battun, Mohamed…End of Somaliland top officials’ resignation spree not in sight yet

abiib Ed
Abib Deria ‘Tima’ad’

Somaliland Minister of Industries Hon Abiib Diriye Nur is the second cabinet minister to submit his resignation letter to President Silanyo in less than 48 hours.

The outgoing minister of Industries in an interview with BBC Somali language services said, “I have many reasons which prompted my resignations from the cabinet post.

“Too many cooks spoil the broth” was the quote cited by the resigning minister during the interview with BBC Somali language services referring to the numerous Presidential advisors adding that the current President seems to have lost control over his deputies hence not having the final say in decisions made in his inner circle.

The outgoing Minister of Industries added, “I will still be a member of the ruling party and my resignations doesn’t mean that I will quit KULMIYE”.

The latest reshuffle by President Silanyo seems to have infuriated many of his allies including the Presidential Adviser for minorities affairs a Mr. Barkhad who also has quit his  post.

B Battun
Barkha Hersi Battun

Preceding Mr. Abib on the resignations spree begun were the former Minister for Finance, Abdi Aziz Samaale, Advisor to the President on Minority issues, Mr. H A HassanBarkhad Hersi Battun, and the director General for foreign Affairs.

Talk in town is: we have not seen the end of the line yet.

Sitting on the fence still, but expected to cross over to the reneged camp within the coming 48 hrs  are Mr. Hersi Ali, the Minister for the Presidency, himself, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Mohjamed Behi, the Minister for Commerce, Mr. Qassem, and a number of others who were alarmed by the rash move of the presidency at the most inopportune time possible, analysts say.

It is also being whispered that Mohamoud Hashi Abdi is going to replace Mr. Hersi at the Presidency which, for accuracy’s sake, has been on the air but never materialized for more than a year now.

(Source: SP/ST)


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