SOMALILAND: What is Change?


By Lawyer Mohamed-Nasir M Dhoore

Today, I looked up the word “change” to literally express the true meaning of this word excessively being used many politicians to attack the administration. My search led me to number of results about the meaning of the word “change” from, which are;


  1. To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone:
  2. To change one’s name; to change one’s opinion; to change the course of history.
  3. To transform or convert (usually followed by into)
  4. To substitute another or others for; exchange for something else, usually of the same kind
  5. To give and take reciprocally; interchange
  6. To transfer from one (conveyance) to another
  7. To give or get smaller money in exchange for
  8. To give or get foreign money in exchange for


Recently we have witnessed the growing number of ousted former government officials defecting to the opposition parties from ruling Kulmiye Party. Those officials stated no fundamental dissatisfaction their party’s effectiveness and policy execution and in fact some of them undeniably have spoken the truth of the word that this ruling government has reached tremendous achievements and taken the country into unprecedented waves of developments. On the other hand, during their ceremonial acceptance into the opposition parties, they declared that they are change seekers “isbedel-doon”.


What is change? I guess we are abusing the term usually misused by opposition parties. Is change making a political platform for under achieved ones who could not perform their responsibilities effectively? Likewise are the politicians flanked by the president and joining the opposition parties.


If you look at the background of those politicians, most of them have held positions in the current and previous administrations. On the record are the statements they made blindly supporting the administration when they held the positions, and now blindly opposing the same policies they served under. None of them submitted formal resignations and all of them were sacked after failing to comply with the policies and procedures of the administration. In the twenty first century, political parties challenge each other on the grounds of policy, which is not on the list of our opposition party’s priorities. Somaliland needs strong opposition parties with strong policies and agenda, not a playground for under-achieved politicians. It is a common reference for most of the politicians in the world to use the word “change” accompanied by defined policies and foreseeable set of agendas. On the other hand, our opposition parties are beating the magical drums of political change without presenting detailed step-by-step policy changes they intend to implement if the possibility of governing arises. The wisdom behind the three political parties in our country is to give the public options to choose from the one that best address their needs. It is the political parties job to present the public with three different policy packages that addresses the needs of their constituents. That picture of addressing issues that are most compelling for the public is missing, and yet they are calling for change. The Public knows that the current administration has done a lot considering our economy, budget, lack of recognition and the limited time frame it governed which only 4 years. In return, our opposition political parties do not have nothing to offer. The current state of our opposition political parties is best described  as the reer Xamar say “Bounce bounce, stay your place” or “Jug jug meeshaada joog”.



Lawyer Mohamed-Nasir M Dhoore

BA-Law, MS-Criminal Justice


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